Baking again!
By Pixi25

30 Nov, 2011
Been baking today. CHocolate sponge with chocolate icing and grated dark chocolate..a chocoholic's dream! :)
And first time making these Belgian biscuits..Mum used to make them when i was wee..not had them in years. Only we used to put Smarties on top! THat was my job :)))))) GOt Mum's old recipie books from Dad last week.
Comments on this photo
great stuff Pixi ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
30 Nov, 2011
Haha I;m not as daft as I seem! lol
Yes sandwiched tog with rasp jam and topped with icing :) THe choc cake is jsut the spnge recipie with cocoa powder added :))))) Onyl had 1 eff so could only make one layer lol :)))))))))))))))) Ty Paul :)))))
30 Nov, 2011
Oh and I even cleaned the house today too! Amazing what bad weather can do! lol
30 Nov, 2011
true pixi ;))))))))))))))))))))))))
30 Nov, 2011
:)))))))))))) Started a painting for a xmas pressie too! :)
30 Nov, 2011
that's cool Pixi :) what you doing ? :)))))))))))))))))))))
30 Nov, 2011
wow, looks very yummy ~ i think we better all come round for tea!!!
you have been busy, baking is one thing, but cleaning???!!!
30 Nov, 2011
A Japanses landscape. Its for My Dad's friend who is jujitsu instructor and trained Osteopath..he has been such a good frined to my Dad this past while and fixes anything that needs fixing ..for nothing! He wont accept money so I thought he might like this. Am going to get him a mini bonsai too :)
30 Nov, 2011
Nice Pixi :))))))
30 Nov, 2011
:)))))) Hope it turns out good :)))))))) Off to teach now x
30 Nov, 2011
please can we see the painting?
30 Nov, 2011
You're going to get fat, henny! ;)))
30 Nov, 2011
watch that waistline pixi lol, wouldnt last long in this house, yummy ;o))
30 Nov, 2011
Chocolate mmm yummy...looks good Pix...:))
30 Nov, 2011
Do you remember there used to be a pudding called "death by chocolate " ? Sounds like you have made something similar ! Busy day -- well done Pixi .
30 Nov, 2011
Looks very yummy!
30 Nov, 2011
lol the painitng is just started ..not sure when I will get more done Sticki. :)
Yeah I know K I will need to stop all this baking! hehe..I'm trying to lose wieght!
Is good Sue! :) Not quite death by chocolate lol.I hope!
Was totally yummy and the biscuits just melt in your mouth! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
30 Nov, 2011
You'll soon get rid of an extra pound or two, weeding Dad's Garden on a Saturday, and doing a bit on yours too....:)))
1 Dec, 2011
Aye well I cant get out in any garden this week..the winds are jsut awful! and rain! :(
1 Dec, 2011
Raining here today,Pixi,but think it's going to clear up hasn't been as bad as your's though..
1 Dec, 2011
Hard frost ere this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Dec, 2011
Lummy...still, the frost has held off until quite late this year, tho'...
08.16 here and the temperature's already over 30° and rising... Just wondering what to wear to go out later...!
2 Dec, 2011
Hmph! I;m looking out my thermal vest! lol ;)
2 Dec, 2011
It is 0 degrees here Pixi..but luckily,no frost..Hope you have found your Thermals ! Not got any of those ..yet! make do with a tee shirt under my jumper..:o)..strangely enough,I feel it during the day,but still wear a summer sleeveless nightie all winter...such an odd bod,! Lol.
2 Dec, 2011
I dont have any lol..might buy some tho! i jsut usually wear layers..but i hate wearing lots of clothes!
2 Dec, 2011
Ah,save your pennies for plants,Pixi..tee shirts do the same job ! :o)
2 Dec, 2011
lol I need to save my pennies for bills! :(
2 Dec, 2011
I had forgotten about those !..definitely..that is not something to look forward to..:o(
2 Dec, 2011
yeah .. bit skint jsut now lol :(
2 Dec, 2011
Nice cake and biscuits, have you made your CHristmas cake Pixi? Thought the biscuits were mince pies with icing on.
3 Dec, 2011
No I dont makle Xmas cake. Nobody here really likes it. I love mince pies tho! :)
3 Dec, 2011
Me too. The nicest ones I've bought are the bakery ones from Mo....sons.
4 Dec, 2011
I might make some! :)
4 Dec, 2011
We all love Christmas cake,and have just put the Marizipan on mine this morning..and eaten all the 'levelling off' bits from the top of the cake,with a coffee.:o)..lovely !.well,I had to see if it tastes ok ..
4 Dec, 2011
Yum! sounds good to me....what time did you say coffee was being served at Bloomer? LOL.
4 Dec, 2011
It's been served Lindak..had lunch now..but kettle going on again in about an hour..shall we say 3pm ? ..:o) You aren't so far away in Derbyshire..get your coat on ,it's very cold..Lol.
4 Dec, 2011
lol..bit cold up here too jsut been to Asda! nightmare!
4 Dec, 2011
Everyone will be stocking up ,Pixi,coupled with Christmas shopping as well..I try to avoid shops like the plague,at the weekends in December..but some people have no choice when they work all week....
4 Dec, 2011
Well I jsut went to the wee Asda lol not the big one..I would never find everything..or else I would overspend! Oh well I did htat anyway lol. :)
4 Dec, 2011
Some of them are too big,aren't they? I think we all come out spending more than intended..especially if it looks like bad weather....and down to their marketing as well...we all know that,but they still win ! :o)
4 Dec, 2011
well i steer clear of the big one..i know where everything is at the wee one..although at this time of year..they move things and im totally confused! lol
4 Dec, 2011
We used to get some stick from customers when they moved things,..necessary at Christmas..and the rest of the year,is,as you will know,another marketing ploy..gets you to walk past different things..then you say" ooh,that looks nice,I'll try some of that " ! LOl....did you know most of the goods they want you to buy are at eye level ? ! :o)
4 Dec, 2011
Yep thats why i usually look to the top shelf apparantly thats where the bargains are!
4 Dec, 2011
glad you have it sussed,Pixi..don't forget the bottom
shelf as well My kind of shopping too ! :o) wonder my back aches afterwards .Lol.
4 Dec, 2011
Yeah lol! I hate shopping! my ack gets sore from trying to keep the trolley straight! and dodging in and out of people standing chatting..grrrrrrrrrr .oh and if I hear a kid screaming..i'm outta there pronto! lol
4 Dec, 2011
I have started shopping locally more..we have a fairly new Aldi nearby..and a lot of things are good..but still shop at where I worked as well..we get to keep our staff discount forever ! :o)
4 Dec, 2011
where do you work? i go to Aldis too.
4 Dec, 2011
' Worked' ! pixi..for 24 years..loved it..been retired five years was the one Jamie Oliver used to do the ads for :o))
4 Dec, 2011
Um...not sure..Tesco?
4 Dec, 2011
No swearing ! :o) it was Sainsbury's ..Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
Oh aye lol we dont have one here :)
5 Dec, 2011
Don't think there are many in Scotland,Pixi..
5 Dec, 2011
Na they're too dear! lol
5 Dec, 2011
I agree a lot of things are..basics range ok..and offers.but I only buy certain things there ..clothes are great,especially as they have a lot of 25% off days so with my well ,can't beat it ! :o)
5 Dec, 2011
Good for you! :)))
5 Dec, 2011
:o))) bought a cardigan/jacket,yesterday...£20..I got it for
£14...bargain..very happy.Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
Cool! I got a pair o jammies for Sarah from Primark for a fiver! Now thats a bargain! lol
5 Dec, 2011
that was good,Pixi..haven't been in there for ages...but will be soon,as I always take a mix of hats,socks or gloves,to the centre for the homeless about to think someone might be a bit warmer when out on the streets..
6 Dec, 2011
Aw how kind of you! :))))))))))))
Yes they are cheap as chips in there..not always great stuff but now and then I find nice things :) But then I dont always have money to spend lol
6 Dec, 2011
I think it's a hard time for a lot this year,Pixi..let's hope things improve next year,but doesn't sound good ! Might have to cut down on the chocolate ! Lol
6 Dec, 2011
Aw no!!!!!!!!! not the choclate! lol
6 Dec, 2011
Baking Again???? The only thing I'm baking is the SUN!!! lol!!!! :D
6 Dec, 2011
No,not really,Pixi..went to A..i,this afternoon..I love their chocolate :o))
6 Dec, 2011
Rub it in,why don't you Karen ? That is so sadistic !..:o)
6 Dec, 2011
Oh stoppit K! We are freezing here..raining tonight :(((((((((
6 Dec, 2011
Zipped! :))))))))))))
7 Dec, 2011
Lol missus!
7 Dec, 2011
But for how long,Karen ? :o)))
7 Dec, 2011
Saying nothing, Bloomer... ;))
7 Dec, 2011
Some might believe that..but not me ! Lol...must go now,off to the,not to exercise..Play Gym with our Grandson....what have we let ourselves in for ? Hope he behaves himself..not Thomas..,my OH ! Lol.
7 Dec, 2011
...................... - see! lol!!!
7 Dec, 2011
7 Dec, 2011
Well done Karen...almost ! catch you later..bye :o)
7 Dec, 2011
Fang says bye, Bloomer - see you later! lol!
Karen thinks OMG! Is that Fang laughing???
7 Dec, 2011
I'm back..and hoping Fang isn't still sniggering !..He would have been,at the ''on the floor,singing bit ''at the end,and the actions to Hickory,Dickory Dock !!...
The children were much better than both..:o).
An X Factor singer,I aint ! Lol.
7 Dec, 2011
On the floor, Bloomer??? If it hadn't been a childrens' party, I'd be wondering what you meant! lol! :))))
7 Dec, 2011
Sorry to disappoint you,Karen....what on earth do you mean ???..I really can't imagine,'she says,demurely' ! Lol.
7 Dec, 2011
Zipped again! lol!!! :))))))
7 Dec, 2011
Oh,unzip it's been long enough need to eat ! Lol.
7 Dec, 2011
LOL, Bloomer! Already done! One of Esther's native delights!.....the chiilli pepper is a wonderful thing! :)))
7 Dec, 2011
Good..and glad you enjoyed Esther's meal..I wish I had an Esther..although I would give chilli peppers a miss..not a lover of spicy hot food...wouldn't last long in Africa,would I ? .. Does she make meat and potato pie,? ..:o))
7 Dec, 2011
or mince n tatties and doughballs????? mmmmm
7 Dec, 2011
Think it would be her version of them,Pixi..made with goat ! :o)
8 Dec, 2011
ew lol
8 Dec, 2011
Hmm - she's not tried either of these yet...but she made her first Boeuf Bourgignon last week! Managed to get her to miss out the chilli peppers...
The goat is nice (not much different to lamb really)...and so are the goat sausages!!!
8 Dec, 2011
ooh,if it's like lamb,I'm up for some of that,Karen..Goat hotpot..lovely ! :o)
8 Dec, 2011
Goat hotpot with chilli peppers!!!!
OH is longing for pepperless food......but I've forgotten how to cook! lol!!
8 Dec, 2011
You girls !
11 Dec, 2011
Crazy,aren't we Driad..? Lol.
11 Dec, 2011
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Well, look at you,Domestic Goddess ! Lol..Thay look very good..have you sandwiched two biscuits together with the jam,Pixi ? ..choccy cake looks nice too :o)
30 Nov, 2011