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Clerodendron thomsoniae

Clerodendron thomsoniae

Growing by the roadside on the estate

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It was quite an unattractive plant before it suddenly burst into bloom, J...

7 Dec, 2011



7 Dec, 2011


You seem to have some lovely plants and flowers on the
roadside,Karen..,.better than all the Willow herbs we have here !

7 Dec, 2011


Strange and different, Bloomer...equatorial Africa...a bit of an exploration!! :))))

7 Dec, 2011


It must be lovely to see plants you have never come across before..but you seem to know all their you research them ?

7 Dec, 2011


Get me a cutting!!!

I only get to see this in the botanic gardens.

BTW - it's Clerodendrum speciosum............

7 Dec, 2011


Thanks Meanie! I'll change it!

You know what I do...I type in 'tropical red flowers' and then I trawl all the photos until I find a name...then I trawl the species until I find a good match....

Very inefficient and clearly not very accurate! lol!

8 Dec, 2011


Good idea Karen..I'm not up on tropical plants anyway,but Meanie,you know now who to ask....that would be a good help,and save you trawling through all those ..although it does give you something to do ! :o)

8 Dec, 2011


Well, you have to start somewhere..........

I've misspelt it - the correct spelling is Clerodendrum Speciosissum.

Here is my photo...............

8 Dec, 2011


Just been and looked, Meanie - beautiful! It's only just starting to bloom here. I'm after another one, which I think you may have, with a purply blue flower?

8 Dec, 2011


Clerodendrum ugandense.................

or Tibouchina urvilleana..................

8 Dec, 2011


Tibouchina, I think...gets quite big??

8 Dec, 2011


Not in Oxfordshire!!!

It strikes easily from cuttings. It is a South American native though.......

8 Dec, 2011


I don't think I've come across anything native to here yet, Meanie...except the Agia tree... and some nasty stinging ants!! Oh - and Fang!

8 Dec, 2011



Yes, Meanie is's C. speciosissimum.

It's ironic...I just visited a new GoY member here in San Diego yesterday...he had this one in his yard blooming.

I'm getting very impatient...I'm still waiting for my Clerodendrum quadriloculare (Starburst Bush) to bloom!

12 Dec, 2011



I guess I'll have send you some seeds from this plant.

12 Dec, 2011


Delonix - I would be impatient waiting for that to bloom!

Seeds for any Clerodendrum are always appreciated here.......

12 Dec, 2011


I'll see what I can do, with the C speciosissimum...if you remind me after I'm properly moved in and got Xmas and all that that entails over with... :)

12 Dec, 2011



Most species of Clerodendrum bloom very easily and really young. I'm not sure why my Starburst is not blooming (it's possible it not in a good spot or possible not fed enough).

12 Dec, 2011


All Clerodendrum seeds appreciated Karen!

They bloom really quickly from cuttings Delonix - the record for me so far with C.ugandense is two months!

12 Dec, 2011



Cutting with buds will bloom even while developing roots.

12 Dec, 2011


Meanie, I have made a very good contact here...a horticulturalist who is about to do some work on my garden...He will surely have the means! I'll see what I can do! :)

13 Dec, 2011


Thank you Karen!

13 Dec, 2011


No wahalla!...but you may have to remind me... :)

14 Dec, 2011


hello karenfrance,nice meetin you, we have also like that here but a white color, my first time i saw a color like that

6 Jan, 2012


Hello Junna and welcome to GoY! Flowers are just beginning to come out here. There are not so many yet because the rainy season went on longer than it should have. I haven't seen this one in white here.

11 Jan, 2012


im also planning to plants a veggies like pepper and squash this the best time to plants bcoz rain is not so heavy, its hard here bcoz sometimes the temperature is between the heat and rain a rain that is so heavy!

12 Jan, 2012


Our rain is over now until June or July...then it rains and rains until November! Do you have a dry season, Junna?

12 Jan, 2012


yes, we have karen but due to climate change we seldom feel the dry season, its always raining here and sometimes im feel so bad bcoz my plants almost destroyed by the rain thats why many of my plants does not survive im very sad karen some of my plants was about a year in balcony garden, but im not going to surrender bcoz my plants is like a family to me i love all kinds of plants

12 Jan, 2012


The weather all over the world seems to be Europe it's warmer than it should be right in West Africa the rainy season was heavier and longer than usual...

Maybe you need umbrellas for your plants? :))

12 Jan, 2012

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