The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Edited Phalaenopsis


By Meanie

Edited Phalaenopsis (Orchid)

This is an edited version of one posted a year ago.

Original here............

Comments on this photo


illuminated!! just wonderful

9 Dec, 2011


Amazing effect isn't it! There was no adjustment to brightness, contrast or colours - I just took out the stray stem in the bottom right corner.

9 Dec, 2011


cropped and enlarged?

it is superb.

9 Dec, 2011


superb quality as usual meanie, a bit of editing in this context is fine, looks good.
maybe a ring-light for xmas if you already haven't got one : )

9 Dec, 2011


Exactly the same photo, just with that bit gone!

9 Dec, 2011


Thanks Steve!
I agree that it's ok in this context - Sue loves this and so I'm getting one framed as a stocking filler. But the stray stem was bugging me, so now it won't!

9 Dec, 2011


what a lovely present, what size will the framed one be?

9 Dec, 2011



Big enough.........

9 Dec, 2011


im sure she will love it, does she know you are getting it framed or is it a surprise?

9 Dec, 2011


Surprise, although she keeps on about it!

9 Dec, 2011


thats really nice.

9 Dec, 2011


This is the one that I did last year.............

9 Dec, 2011


oh i love that one ~ white flowers are very special.

i was trying to think of something you could do as a joke, if she keeps on about it ~ maybe a small picture of some chilli con carne in a cardboard frame or part of an engine???

9 Dec, 2011


Ah..I was going to say no difference...That is how I get a Cat with a birdbath on it's back.

Amazing Meanie.

9 Dec, 2011


just taken 18 pictures of the moon on various settings, all rubbish.
may go out and try again.
f8 seems best, and a low number for ISO??

9 Dec, 2011


I will go out in the morning..4 ish and try with out street lights..

That picture is seriously amazing Meanie..I just looked again.

9 Dec, 2011


im going to a lane nearby that hasnt got any street lights, not choosing to be up at 4 tomorrow ~ been up before 5 for last three mornings. and its very cold.

i agree pimpernel, it just glows.

9 Dec, 2011


Thanks Pimpernel!

f8 is fine at that distance!!
Higher ISO will allow faster shutter speed - 400 or even 800 maybe.........

9 Dec, 2011


Stunning !

9 Dec, 2011


going to put a picture on, taken at f8 and 80 ISO ~ sorry, didnt find your comment till i came back and it was too dark to experiment with settings ~ couldnt see them!!
thanks though, will know next time.

9 Dec, 2011


Thanks Amy!

Poor light = higher ISO. The problem of a higher ISO is that picture quality goes down. But if you're working without a tripod, that would be cancelled out by having to use a slow shutter speed leading to blurry images anyway.

9 Dec, 2011


have a look, i found a fence to lean the camera on.

9 Dec, 2011


Thank you Homebird - a little "trickery" involved, but I'm ok with that.

15 Dec, 2011


I ahve been meaning to ask you about orchid care, as I bought one a few weeks ago and do not know how to keep it, it looks like the one in your picture but it is a dark pink ? thanks Ld.

17 Dec, 2011


Lemondog - Phals are very forgiving in terms of light, although they dislike bright direct sunlight. Fine on a south facing windowsill for the three deepest months of winter, but better to one side the rest of the year. Mine go outdoors for most of the summer in a shady spot.
They like a minimum temperature of about 15°c.
Water once a week by soaking for 30mins or so and then drain well. Feed occasionally.
Stand on a tray of gravel with water in it up to the level of the stones to provide humidity.

That's pretty much it really!

17 Dec, 2011


Such a beautiful flower!

17 Dec, 2011


And a willing one too Delonix - I found another new spike emerging from it yesterday making three in total now!

18 Dec, 2011



That's great news! I hope mine develops more flower spikes! It's been in bloom for about 3 months.

18 Dec, 2011


thanks meanie great advice cheers Ld.

20 Dec, 2011

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This photo is of species Orchid.

This photo is of "Orchids" in Meanie's garden

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