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Winter Flower

Winter Flower (Solandra maxima)

This vine gets massive - 70 feet +. But it gives these large flowers in winter.

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This is Sollandra (S.maxima I think), also called the Golden Chalice Vine.

29 Dec, 2011



You're correct, Solandra maxima! Most are in full bloom here, too. My neighbor keeps theirs like a shrub, however, it needs to be cut back constantly (and I mean constantly).

4 Jan, 2012


I had a friend who spent part of the year in Spain, and every time he came back he had to chop it back before it engulfed his house. :)

4 Jan, 2012


I doubt that will be an issue over here when I find the seeds!

4 Jan, 2012



Yes, you can literally watch this vine grow. It's among the fastest growing vines in the world. It also grows to become a monster! I've seen some vines more than 80ft/25m high.

5 Jan, 2012



You definitely would have to grow it indoors, there. It's a very tender vine. temps to freezing usually will kill most of the leaves and temps lower than freezing kill it to the ground (I saw this in the San Francisco Bay Area in Dec. of 1990, however, most re-sprouted). It will not grow where the ground freezes, though.

The vine doesn't make a good container plant, either. I had one never grew much in a container. It has to many feeder roots. I would guess if you cut the roots back constantly it may grow okay, possibly.

5 Jan, 2012


Also the new tips wind burn very easily - that's my main problem. It roots very easy from cuttings, though.

5 Jan, 2012


I never noticed the wind burn...although, I've seen the tips burn from heat waves, though.

The plants I had were from cuttings.

5 Jan, 2012

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