
29 Dec, 2011
This is about 6" across. I don't know what it is, but makes a great wall cover or for a trellis/arbor.
Comments on this photo
Thanks for the ID. I had a friend who had an entire side of his house covered in this, and it was something to see when it bloomed.
29 Dec, 2011
Lucky friend!
29 Dec, 2011
Now thats different, lovely, didn't think you'd be far away Meanie ;-)
Off to google it now :-)
29 Dec, 2011
Lovely. Another plant that I'd like to grow. I expect it's not hardy in colder climes! I googled it, not hardy enough for me to grow. It is a member of the Nightshade family so is very poisonous, so don't eat it!
29 Dec, 2011
Chrispook: I grow several poisonous plants, including ricinus, and put them near the entries to my property. It's to warn the farmers that if they don't control their cows, they may eat something that will kill them. The farmers don't care if the cows break down fences or jump over walls, and I started having fewer problems after putting these types in front (but inside & behind closed walls). Goats are the worst.
30 Dec, 2011
Beautiful! At first glance I thought "what strange daylily is this" - ha ha.
7 Jan, 2012
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30 Dec, 2011
This is Sollandra (maxima I think), also called the Golden Chalice Vine.
A beautiful climber and one that is on my wish list!
29 Dec, 2011