The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Helleborus niger

Helleborus niger

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Beautiful picture, Pimpernel. As always. Wonderful plants. They look kinda damp: is it still raining there?
I've tried to grow hellebores here with a spectacular lack of success. Seeds don't germinate, and plants die, which is strange seeing how many wild ones there are in the countryside around. :-((

2 Jan, 2012


Hello Gattina, damp is an understatement, it has been raining scince October! Grandmadge says they desperately need some where she is..

2 Jan, 2012


We were trying to work out the other day, that we have had no serious rainfall since June - ok, 1 or 2 mizzly, dampish days, but nothing worth mentioning. It's a bit of a problem.

2 Jan, 2012


True..We tend to forget what a good climate we have here. Enough of everything or there-abouts.

2 Jan, 2012


That's why the UK is SOOOOooooo green :-))) Even the wellies!

2 Jan, 2012


Nice to see these little beauties. I have one but no buds yet. I think our climate is not very suitable for hellibores. I guess they like more damp.

2 Jan, 2012


Well thanks Pim. you have sent the rain!!!! Last two days, very soggy here, but so needed! Our worms are very happy in the lawn now! LOL. and my hellebore are bloomin nicely too.

2 Jan, 2012


It is gloriously bright like a lovely crisp Autumn day here...a fair swap GM. The forecast for tomorrow is dire.

2 Jan, 2012



2 Jan, 2012


thanks HB....I liked the symetry and the different stages of the flower all at once.

8 Jan, 2012


He's a little tinker, HB, Pim sets impossibly high standards for everyone - I think we should sack him!

8 Jan, 2012


Yin and Yang. Beautiful :)

9 Jan, 2012

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