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Is this you messing around with your new cameras? Very impressive!

6 Jan, 2012


it looks so real! great photo, if you had put a picture of garlic bread on i would have taken a bite out of it!!

6 Jan, 2012


A great photo Pp.. ;o)

6 Jan, 2012


"Messing about...?"

This is my Art Gattina...Lol I want to try doing a nice kitchen still life next not a close up, a Vermeer-ish type thing.

6 Jan, 2012


have a go pimpernel, would love to see. we could all have a go, is he the artist that girl with a pearl earring is based on?

6 Jan, 2012


That's the chap. I really thought a jug, pestle and mortar and arty veg shot though.

6 Jan, 2012


with the light shining through the window?? an artychoke would be good!!!!

6 Jan, 2012


it would...Arty choke..Like it. I would like to see a macro of artichoke flower.

6 Jan, 2012


lulu took a nice picture of hers i think??

6 Jan, 2012


I will go and have a look

6 Jan, 2012


Vermeer - now we're talking!

6 Jan, 2012


Natural lighting would be a first as well.

6 Jan, 2012


I'm being serious when I say I am REALLY look forward to seeing that, P. I tried doing something similar when I was running a cookery course in an Italian kitchen, but it just looked like a bunch of vegetables. The light was all wrong. If you haven't used natural lighting so far, what have you been using - surely not flash?

6 Jan, 2012


An old angle poise Gattina. I only get daylight inside from May onwards.

6 Jan, 2012


Great photo. You keeping vampires away?? Lol

6 Jan, 2012


Do you use a daylight bulb then? Anything I ever lit using artificial light came out all orange!

6 Jan, 2012


No it's a 100wt but I bounce it off a wall or mirror.

6 Jan, 2012


and it doesnt break??!!

6 Jan, 2012


Lol Sticki.

6 Jan, 2012



6 Jan, 2012


Pimpernel's photographic masterclass. I've had "how to be a photographer" books that taught me less in a great many more pages. You're going to have to step up to the plate, P. with lots of advice and guidance, 'cos I've just bought myself a Panasonic Lumix TZ6, like wot you got. Shan't be able to get it until about March or April, though (they wouldn't post it out here) when OH goes back to visit his sister. Can't wait. I shall be shooting the whole darned pantry, and a few bits of growing stuff, too, so watch out. I think Janey's got a Lumix, too, if I remember rightly. She takes some brilliant pictures, too.

7 Jan, 2012


Janey takes lovely pictures, I agree, I think Karensusan may have that one too?? I seem to remember it's got a great zoom?

7 Jan, 2012


I have no idea about the zoom, Sticki - my first requirement is pin-sharp focus under all circumstances, but especially really close up, then ease of use for an easily bewildered old person. The zoom would be an added bonus - then maybe I could get back to trying more wild-life pictures. Oh Goody!!!!!

7 Jan, 2012


Karensusan's latest photo is a beauty, but i can't remember definitely which camera she has, there are definitely several that have a lumix and they are all pleased.
Meanie and bampy are good on cameras and how to do things with them.

7 Jan, 2012


I agree with Sticki, Gattina. Both Meanie and Bampy take great photographs and more importantly, Know how they are doing it. I just have a go and take loads.

It is a very Clear focus on the Lumix, Leica lenses are fantastic. It is very very very easy to use.

Was it E-Bay Gatt,? loads of sellers will not post to Italy.
got an Idea for a pic tomorrow i will have a go with both Cameras.

7 Jan, 2012


oh pimpernel ~ you playing the waiting game again? i have to wait till tomorrow to see the picture??

7 Jan, 2012


I need the natural light sticki...and I have to get the props together.

7 Jan, 2012


ok, will try to be patient. fascinated now.

vermeer kitchen ???

7 Jan, 2012



7 Jan, 2012



7 Jan, 2012


Can't wait for your veneered kitchen picture, Pimpernel. Seriously.
No, it was Amazon I bought it through - have had one or two slightly disappointing results with e-bay - don't do that so much any more. Amazon themselves DO post to Italy, and don't generally charge for the postage if you spend over a certain amount, but this was an independent supplier, so it's going to Banbury to await the next visit. I hope it's worth the wait!

7 Jan, 2012


Lol..I find Amazon less expesive and better at resolving issues.

I am sure once you start using the camera you will love it. I was very happy with my Phone untill I started using this one...Let me Know when you get it. I don't use many of it's functions...Tell you what, I would love to see a Night time on an Italian mountain with it.

7 Jan, 2012


I remember shortly after we moved here, we were driving one winter's evening to a friend's house, and turning a corner, suddenly had an incredible view of Monte Cimone (one of the highest mountains in the Appennine range) in the distance, capped with snow and lit by the moon which was just appearing above the crest. We both gasped out loud with wonder, and had to stop the car to gaze for a minute or two. I think it was at that moment we decided we were going to be staying out here.......
Not ever done much in the way of nighttime shots, so I shall have to practise first, or you'll just see a whole lot of blackness, and you can get THAT in Salford........

7 Jan, 2012


the only thing i know about moon shots is you need to set the camera on f8 ~ it took me a while to find out where it was though! you can google things like that! alternatively someone clever and helpful on here will help.

7 Jan, 2012


I'm hoping to be able to get nighttime shots with some semblance of focus - all the ones I've tried without the all-flattening flash have terrible camera-shake spoiling them, 'cos the shutter speed is so slow.

7 Jan, 2012


i balance the camera on anything handy to help that, you can also alter the timing in 'T' mode.

7 Jan, 2012


Not on my current camera, Sticki - it runs on clockwork and elastic bands.

7 Jan, 2012


i had one like that. had to keep the back closed with all sorts, drove me mad.

7 Jan, 2012


It has a setting Gattina "stary Sky" But you would need a tripod or car roof. 15 second exposure.

I think with your keen eye for detail, we will all have some amazing pictures to look forward too.

You have a Canon Sticki?

7 Jan, 2012


You're very kind, Pimpernel, but that's a hard expectation to live up to. Don't expect "amazing" for a LONG time! I think your pictures are brilliant and it would be pretty hard to beat them.

7 Jan, 2012


i do pimpernel ~ the G10 ~ it does auto or manual so its good for learning with.

7 Jan, 2012


I will be asking for help Sticki...

Be surprised at how easy this camera is Gattina...I was bored to tears for years by my folks..f'8's this and that..blagh bla!

7 Jan, 2012


have you got a canon powershot??

7 Jan, 2012


Canon EOS 450D

7 Jan, 2012


aha thats a bit special. think OH and son have similar to that, its more complex than mine but i can ask them things.

7 Jan, 2012


Complex was not what I was hoping for...I think you may be asking them lots.

7 Jan, 2012


i think you can put that on auto too. when i get stuck i sometimes google for example

how do i take a moon shot with a canon G10

7 Jan, 2012


its a very good camera.

7 Jan, 2012


Got the ISO thing the F's are a bother.

10 Jan, 2012


can you find where the f number is displayed?

10 Jan, 2012


this might be helpful?

10 Jan, 2012


On what lens?...

10 Jan, 2012

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