Lonicera Fragrantissima
By Amy

9 Jan, 2012
Jan 2012
Comments on this photo
really beautiful.
9 Jan, 2012
Thanks Annella / Sticki it has a lovely scent to .....
9 Jan, 2012
Pretty delicate flower,Amy..and a bonus with the scent...
9 Jan, 2012
It's the first year Sandra I'm pleased with it , I would like it to grow up and over the arch it's on ,fingers crossed :o)
9 Jan, 2012
i thought/hoped it might have a scent. well worth growing i should think.
9 Jan, 2012
nice citrus scent to it doesn't it Amy, i have one too :-))
9 Jan, 2012
Yes Sticki well worth growing , it has a lovely fresh scent to it SL how old is yours and how tall is it ? i'm interested to know if it will reach the top of the pagoda i'm growing it's on .........
9 Jan, 2012
9 Jan, 2012
does it need lots of sun?
9 Jan, 2012
i have mine as a shrub Amy and it's 6 foot tall and 6 foot wide, i trim it to keep it like that, it's 5 years old now..
10 Jan, 2012
Thats interesting SL I wouldn't have thought of growing it like a shrub I bet the concentrated scent smells gorgeous when you walk by ,I might try taking a cutting off mine this year and do the same , Thanks Maureen , mine is in the sun Sticki and seems happy where it is ....
10 Jan, 2012
ah, thats not so good for me, it makes sense though, i imaged it was in the sun, i just dont get much, have to look round the garden for somewhere suitable? would it live in a pot???
10 Jan, 2012
this is so georgeous amy!
10 Jan, 2012
I'm not sure about that Sticki if you see the above note from Surrylad he keeps his like a shrub which is 6ft tall and 6ft wide so it would need a big pot unless you trained it to go up a trellis like a normal honey suckle so that it went up rather than out widthways , Thanks Junna I'ts my first year and I'm very pleased with it :o)
10 Jan, 2012
yes i see your point, thanks amy, will have a think.
10 Jan, 2012
you would need a v.large pot Sticki, but mines in mostly shade so it's quite an easy sort of plant..
Yes the scent is wonderful when you walk past it Amy :-) sometimes the breeze brings it to my back door too..
10 Jan, 2012
would love that by my back door, which admittedly faces south but because of the trees around the outside of our garden it doesnt get that much sun.
10 Jan, 2012
mine doesn't get much sun either Sticki so it should be ok..
11 Jan, 2012
definitely worth a try then, thanks SL, just been to garden centre, should have looked; will call in again tomorrow maybe!! [its on the way home from work conveniently]
11 Jan, 2012
Ahh that's a good detour then ;-))
11 Jan, 2012
about 5 yards off the road??
11 Jan, 2012
lol i meant around the shop :-))
11 Jan, 2012
ah i see, sorry!! that would be quite a detour ~ its very big!! at one time the biggest in europe i think??
11 Jan, 2012
Wow sounds like fun then :-)
11 Jan, 2012
it takes money out of your purse.
11 Jan, 2012
Only take how much you want to spend and no more , says me who can't resist a bargain when faced with it !
11 Jan, 2012
that sounds like me too amy :-))
11 Jan, 2012
cant resist a really good bargain. best advice i have would be to go and have a cup of coffee first and then think ~ do i really want/need that?
11 Jan, 2012
very true Sticki
12 Jan, 2012
LOL .. the coffee often costs more than the plant you wanted and lasts longer .. ;o)
12 Jan, 2012
well that is true, sadly amy!!!
12 Jan, 2012
That is so lovely such a beautiful flower, might have a look for one of these.
15 Jan, 2012
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This photo is of "Lonicera ...Fragrantissima" in Amy's garden
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That is very pretty Amy
9 Jan, 2012