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Jazzy's saw paw.


By Lulu33

Jazzy's saw paw.

She has had purple, red and light blue dressings on her paw and wears a bag over it when she goes outside, bless! The wound looks much better now and soon long walks can resume which hopefully will stop her bouncing like a tigger and woofing like a mad dog!

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Cold paws lol

11 Jan, 2012


aww poor Jaz.. hope she get well soon..

11 Jan, 2012


poor jazzy, i hope she will be better soon. does she try to bite the plaster off?

11 Jan, 2012


She should be fine very soon thanks, she's not even limping!

11 Jan, 2012


oh sorry just read she is sore now updated :(( - hope she gets better soon Lulu :))))

11 Jan, 2012


aww poor babe, remember when my lab went in the park pond and some idiot had smashed a bottle in it, sheba badly cut her paw pads, never seen so much blood, couldnt stitch it as pads are soft and said it would just come open again, but she also was bandaged up and lots of padding till it healed.
hope jazz is ok soon lulu

11 Jan, 2012


Aw poor thing - hope she gets well soon

11 Jan, 2012


Hi Lulu, AWWWWWWWW Poor Jazzy, I hope she feels better soon give her a big cuddly for me please :))

11 Jan, 2012


Jazzy says thank you for all her good wishes and she is enjoying all the extra cuddles.

11 Jan, 2012


Awwwwwww xx for LSuggy

11 Jan, 2012


oops Jzzy! grrr

11 Jan, 2012


Poor thing :o( I hope she isn't in too much pain with it.

11 Jan, 2012


Love the snazzy jazzy dressing hope she enjoys her walk today :) x

12 Jan, 2012


Still a short walk Nana!
San, paw pads can be a pain. Sluggy cut hers quite deeply a few weeks ago but it's healed up well thank goodness!
Cold paws LoL Paul!!

12 Jan, 2012


Hope Jazzy's paw is better soon.

12 Jan, 2012


Poor Jazzy, I do sympathise with her. I developed a pain in my calf just after Christmas and finally had to go to A&E on a bank holiday (NHS Direct decision!). I am still having to take shorter walks but slowly improving. Hope Jazzy recovers quickly, bless her.

12 Jan, 2012


Gee, I hope you are on the mend.
Jazzy's stitches out today and then I have to get some of the accumulated weight off her!

13 Jan, 2012

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