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Michauxia Tchihatcheffii (catherine wheel flower)


By Simbad

Michauxia Tchihatcheffii (catherine wheel flower)

Bit of a mouthful but I'm so excited about this plant grown from seed last autumn, this lovely mild weather has meant they've just kept growing,never repotted plants in winter before, flowers this summer do you think?

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Wow can't wait to see the flower, the name is a bit of a mouthful though lol

13 Jan, 2012


I saw your plant in October I remember I had to look it up ,the flowers are so pretty , it is doing well , can't wait to see yours in flower .........

13 Jan, 2012


Inspiring ! I'm just about to inspect my seed collection and look for new things too ; I'll take note of this one .

13 Jan, 2012


Me too Carole don't know how the heck you pronounce it :-)
Fancy you remembering Amy mind you suppose its a name not easily forgotton,lol, I have 3 good size plants, this ones the biggest, they're supposed to be hardy but if it gets really cold I'll bring them indoors, don't want to risk loosing them.
Thanks Driad I love trying things a bit different too :-) I bought the seed for this from Chilterns they have such a great collection of unusual seeds, I got some seed for another unusual one too, Phytolacca(american pokeweed), have a few seedlings from that too, thats a bit of a huge perennial so I'll have to watch it.

13 Jan, 2012


I have seen the American pokeweeed Kathy it was growing next to a pond in an open garden we visited last summer I actually went to look for the owners to find out it's name thinking Dawn would like it next to her pond , it's really nice you will love it , I haven't anywhere damp enough for it ........

13 Jan, 2012


Hi Everyone. Yes Amy, the Pokeweed looked lovely when I looked it up, must get some seed, glad you reminded me. This one sounds nice too Kathy.

13 Jan, 2012


I had to look this up too - stunning flowers to come from these fairly un-promising leaves! Is this tender?

14 Jan, 2012


Ooo glad you've seen the Phytolacca in the flesh Amy, I've only seen pictures on another chat site I go on, looks amazing, can't wait.
The seed was from Chilterns Dawn haven't seen it anywhere else eccept ebay :-)
Supposed to be hardy Meanie from what I've read, says its a perennial best treated as a biennial, not taking any risks with these babies though they were tucked up in the sunroom last night after frost was forecast :-)

14 Jan, 2012


Kathy it's odd there just happened to be an article in our local newspaper in the gardening strip this weekend about the Pokeweed , apparently it is popping up in more places and gardens they think it's being spread through bird droppings , it's highly toxic so take care !

15 Jan, 2012


My pokeweed seed arrived from ebay yesterday, with its having nasty tendencies, i'll keep an eye on it Amy.

18 Jan, 2012


This is going to be a stunner Sim...:>)

29 Feb, 2012


Thanks Motinot, they're huge now, was going to plant them out the other day, they are supposed to be hardy, but think I'll pamper them for a bit longer :-))

1 Mar, 2012


This looks very interesting......

5 Apr, 2012


Really excited about this DD planted in the garden a couple of weeks ago and its really taken off, supposed to be a perennial but think its best grown as biennial from what I've read and won't set seed in this country so we'll see how it goes, can't wait till summer :-)

6 Apr, 2012


Great.....I will be waiting!!

7 Apr, 2012

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