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Angel Wing Begonia Blooming

Angel Wing Begonia Blooming (Angel Wing Begonia Blooming)

My Angel Wing Begonia is in full bloom. It's loving the warm to hot weather we've had all January. Photo taken Jan. 26, 2012.

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Mine is just twigs now.....

1 Feb, 2012


Begonias like cooler weather, but not cold!

1 Feb, 2012


Oh, mine looks sad but alive.

1 Feb, 2012


You must have brought it indoors? I know many are not hardy to sub-freezing temps.

2 Feb, 2012


Now that is a pretty one :o))

2 Feb, 2012


These make it through winter most of the time....can this year be that exception? It's easy enough to start a new one, it's the plants that are not common here that I'm worried about.

2 Feb, 2012



Thanks! :>))

3 Feb, 2012


I hope you can save all the uncommon plants!

3 Feb, 2012


Well, the weather has warmed up. I'll go put the thermometer out now.....
I had a good look at all the plants in the garden yesterday, looks like most of them survived.

3 Feb, 2012


You won't know for another couple of weeks. Freeze damage can take a while to show up. :>(

3 Feb, 2012



3 Feb, 2012

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This photo is of species Angel Wing Begonia Blooming.

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