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Pink Abutilon Flowers

Pink Abutilon Flowers (Abutilon)

My pink Abutilon in the front yard is in full bloom. Photo taken Feb. 6, 2010.

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Looks lovely, mine is inside now.

7 Feb, 2012


Thanks! I have orange ones in the back yard.

Is yours blooming indoors?

7 Feb, 2012


The buds are still hanging on....I will go have a look today. I have it near a window. I'm glad I bought it wasn't looking too good after all the real cold weather!
I really like the look of the Megapotamicum.

8 Feb, 2012


Abutilon hybrids are very hardy to cold! However, the buds and flowers are much more tender.

I really like A. megapotamicum, also. I had so many when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. I got many cuttings from friends. I cut them all down during the big drought in the late 80's to early 90's. In the 5 year drought I had severe problems with millions of white flies attacking them. The white flies were impossible to eradicate.

8 Feb, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
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