Cubanola domingensis
By Meanie
- 7 Feb, 2012
Can you tell that I'm excited!!!
The first seed has germinated!
This is what I have to look forward too................
Comments on this photo
Definitely Sticki!
I've been looking forward to getting my hands on this one.
7 Feb, 2012
I've looked at the link you gave.
This is wonderful !
7 Feb, 2012
That's fascinating. I'll look forward to the photos of when it flowers.
7 Feb, 2012
Terra - it is very fragrant too!
Hywel - not sure how long the wait will be. It's of the same family as Datura and Brugmansia so I'm hoping that it will be a fast grower.
7 Feb, 2012
Fantastic result, hopfully it won't keep you waiting to long for flowers!
7 Feb, 2012
I'm allowing a couple of years PA - if it's as rapid as a Datura that would be a bonus!
7 Feb, 2012
Thats fantastic Meanie !! excited ! of course you are :o))
7 Feb, 2012
It was very much a whey hey moment Amy!
7 Feb, 2012
Good moments to have Meanie...Fancy popping it's head up tonight though -10 predicted here. Keep it warm. :0)
7 Feb, 2012
Bravo....always an exciting time when a seed germinates.
8 Feb, 2012
23°c in the propogater Pimpernel! We had no frost at all last night!
Especially when it's one of the special ones Alex!
8 Feb, 2012
My "other" seeds still have not germinated....another lesson learned. Soak the seeds!
I went mad on buying seeds again.....and I said I had given up on them. Ha!
8 Feb, 2012
B.variegata x3
B.punctata x1
Markhemia - not sown yet
Heliconia - up to ten months from what I've read!
Anigoxanthos - up to four months
Gloriosa lutea - up to nine months
Sandersonia aurantiaca - up to nine months
Isoplexis canariensis - germinating
Fuchsia procumbens - first batch germinated
Moraea huttonii - still waiting
8 Feb, 2012
well done Meanie. that will be stunning, looking forward to more photo's now..
8 Feb, 2012
Thanks SL!
8 Feb, 2012
This is a very tropical plant. It's not in the same family as Brugmansia or's in the Rubiaceae family (Coffee family).
This plant grows in southern California. However, it's not common at all, and must be planted out in the mildest, warmest areas one can find.
10 Feb, 2012
I think your Sandersonia aurantiaca will germinate much faster than 9 months. It's a very common plant here and super easy to grow.
10 Feb, 2012
I should have corrected that! When I first saw this at OBG I started looking for this and read that on a US site!!!
The Sandersonia have been in for four months now Delonix......
10 Feb, 2012
when did you sow the Sandersonia Meanie, last spring i sowed mine and they germinated in 8 weeks, not all sprouted but they can be a bit sporadic.
10 Feb, 2012
The same time as the Gloriosa seeds Surreylad.
How did you sow yours?
10 Feb, 2012
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This photo is of species Cubanola domingensis.
This photo is of "Cubanola domingensis" in Meanie's garden
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Exciting times!
7 Feb, 2012