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White Aruncus


By Janette

White Aruncus (Astilbe)

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This is lovely& Big Janette:) The 1 i brought yesterday is Pink,It was had 2 chose from the Red,pink&White:/

19 Jun, 2008


Its about six foot now Cliff my old neighbour gave me this many years ago I like the pink ones are you growing it next to your pond ?

19 Jun, 2008


Im growing it in part of the Garden that gets Flooded when it rains hard Janette, it also stays quite damp as its in Shade4the hottest part of day :)

19 Jun, 2008


This is growing in full sun next to the hedge would you believe

19 Jun, 2008


Really :O well it must be happy or it wouldnt be 6ft Janette:)

19 Jun, 2008


I think it must be

19 Jun, 2008


Thats huge. I've got a little one but no sign of flowers.

19 Jun, 2008


It is Chris but i,ve had it for a long time Yours might flower soon

19 Jun, 2008


Wow, what a fantastic plant, but are you sure it is an astilbe?
I ask because Paul thought he had a plant similar to this growing in a shady part of his garden which we identified as an astilbe but have recently realised was an aruncus. The flowers are similar but it grows much taller. Sadly I haven't a photo of it because the neighbours removed it when the replaced the fence last autumn.

21 Jun, 2008


Thanks Xela i,ve just had a look and you are right this is Aruncus and not an Astilbe They do look very similar, this one was a gift from a neighbour

21 Jun, 2008's Aruncus dioicus...boy do I envy you! I've wanted one of these for years...don't know why I've bought other stuff less hardy when I could have bought this...It enjoys moisture and shade.. great plant!!

22 Jun, 2008


Thanks to Xela Ive thought this was Astilbe for such a long time This is growing in full sun Lori

22 Jun, 2008


Think I will look for this!, Thanks Janette.

22 Jun, 2008

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This photo is of species Astilbe.

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