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For Grandmage - purple Hellebore!

For Grandmage - purple Hellebore!

Cut from the garden today, as it was hidden under a shrub - so indoors we can enjoy it.

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gorgeous colour

19 Feb, 2012


Thanks Val! Sadly, I seem to have lost my other dark ones . . . just have a couple of whites in bud. :((

19 Feb, 2012


I really should be buying some for the garden, they are so pretty

19 Feb, 2012


That was quick!! Thank you Sheila, they are really lovely, quite perfect. Enjoy them in the warm!

19 Feb, 2012



19 Feb, 2012


Lovely Sheila, ours is just opening now, not sure if it is as dark as this one...though OH took a pic yesterday....

21 Feb, 2012


Beautiful purple flowers Sheila. A few of mine are beginning to flower now.....and the first proper planted daffs are out too...a little clump of tete a tete...bliss! :)

21 Feb, 2012


Thanks Karen, Sue and Homebird. I've hardly any Hellebores out yet. :(( It's a puzzle, as they're flowering in all my friends' gardens!

21 Feb, 2012


They are so pretty Sheila They often hide under shrubs I suppose they are the conditions they like best , enjoy them while you can :o)

21 Feb, 2012


Lovely colour , Sheila , I have white and a pink one that turned up last year , both in bloom .

21 Feb, 2012


We're the same as you Sheila, way behind everyone else..

22 Feb, 2012


Very pretty Sheila, I have a few seedlings from Terarch, maybe flower next year:-)

25 Feb, 2012


Thanks Amy, Driad, Sue and Ba . . . I wish I had twice as many!

25 Feb, 2012

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