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Miniature wheelbarrow

Miniature wheelbarrow

Spent some of my birthday garden vouchers, just couldn't resist, needed to see some colour. lol.

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Oh good grief Mum! Have you seen the size of the larvae in that barrow? ;))) Beautiful x

23 Feb, 2012


Lovely and colourful

23 Feb, 2012


Nominated for GoYopedia. Beautiful!

24 Feb, 2012


Karen sue what are you like, there were gaps so I thought I would use the cones for the mulch lol. :o)

Thank you Sheilar they are a bit bright when you open the back door, but eh ho that was what I was looking for something to cheer me up after all the cold and snow.

Thanks Katarina.

24 Feb, 2012


Lovely bit of colour there oliveoil, thats what we need this time of year, while waiting for the spring bulbs to flower..Love the cones, are they from one of your trees..

24 Feb, 2012


yes they are from my very large christmas tree, I am going to set some seeds and see if I can get them to grow. Still some stuck to the branches as well so lots to go at. lol

24 Feb, 2012


Very pretty Olive, love the cones....Happy belated birthday for whenever it was !!!!!

24 Feb, 2012


Thanks Bilbo glad you like.

Linsuffolk it was a long while ago but I had saved my garden vouchers for when I could see something I would like for the garden. Still got one voucher left so will wait and see what I can come up with next lol. thanks for looking glad you enjoyed.

24 Feb, 2012


Fantastic Olive great idea with the cones.

I have the very same barrow but its in my greenhouse drying out.

I have had it for some time want to repaint mine blue.

24 Feb, 2012


Hi Barbara...
You acheived the colourfulness, well done look great...

25 Feb, 2012


thank you Scotkat - blue would not do for me, maybe green I am not a blue fan, but it would not do for us all to be alike eh!¬!:o)

thanks Crissue, yes it is very cheerful. Glad you like.

25 Feb, 2012


Really pretty Barbara. If those cones do grow, you're going to have one very big tree! Mind you, that will probablybe in 40 years time! We have scots pines around us that drop huge cones at certain times of the year and I spray them silver and gold for christmas decorations.

25 Feb, 2012


the tree they have come off is huge Rose, I love fir cones, they are amazing how they open and close, lots of seeds in an envelope ready for planting up. :o)

26 Feb, 2012


That's great Ba, my Mum used to have great success growing them from seed...

26 Feb, 2012


I once grew a mixed packet of miniature pine trees, everyone grew, some really good ones for a fraction of the cost to buy in pots but the only thing was they were not very miniature. lol.

26 Feb, 2012

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