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going to work


By Kasy

going to work

stopped on my way to work yesterday and took this picture.

Comments on this photo


Wow! Looks like a post card.

25 Feb, 2012


Kasia, doesn´t this remind you Poland?

25 Feb, 2012


What a view!!!

25 Feb, 2012


Wow, Kasia ... that's stunning scenery...
seeing that every day on your travels :o)))

25 Feb, 2012


Beautiful! Is this what Poland is like too?

25 Feb, 2012


Severnside, for me yes. This scene reminded me one scene in the early morning, when I was travelling by car from Cracow. At the end of one village it looked almost like this. Theere was also small church, which was full of people, so many of them were bending on their knees even outside the church. But as Bible says "the last will be the first" - they had this wonderful view :)
Yes, Poland is worth to see - Cracow, Marlbork, Tolun.

26 Feb, 2012


Love it Kasy...Especially like the chimney smoke.

26 Feb, 2012


Glad you liked it guys:)
I wouldn't say it's typical Polish landscape. North of Poland is a seascape - sandy beaches at Baltic Sea.
Moving south there are flat fields and lakes of Masuria and Mazovia. Going more south the level rises to become more hilly in Polish Jurassic Highland where I was born and raised. And finally on south border we have The Carpathian Mountains.
And I would say Polish farmers love every inch of their soil - they wouldn't waste it on growing hedges, lol

26 Feb, 2012



"Polish farmers love every inch of their soil - they wouldn't waste it on growing hedges."

You should mutter this every day at someone, it will become your Catch Phrase, and in many years the Welsh Legends will talk of the batty woman from Poland that re-planted the hills and Vallies

26 Feb, 2012


oh, Pimp - I am batty in some ways (have we met in previous lives? lol) , call me a witch if you want - but I would never change a single thing in Wales. Simply love it the way it is. Sometimes the hedges are tricky when you have to climb over this woody structures (sorry forgot the name;-( especially the holly hedge, but that's the beauty of the Welsh landscape.
So will save my spells for some other ocassions, lol

26 Feb, 2012


Stile...the woody structure

26 Feb, 2012


oh, yes - that's the one. Writing it down now and off it goes to my cork board on the wall, lol. otherwise I will forget it immediatelly;-(

26 Feb, 2012

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