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For Pimp #2

For Pimp #2

Pimp insisted that I post this pic as well. As some of you know, he can be quite the bully ;)))))

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At last one of you that listens to me....Seriously, how incredible does it look now?

25 Feb, 2012


<<< blushing :) Thanks Pimp!

25 Feb, 2012


Lil, your talent with mosaics is amazing. :o)
Well done !
and well done for listening to Pim...

25 Feb, 2012


That is a real cracker Lil :)
Pimp, maybe we all listen but just dont take it in :))

25 Feb, 2012


glad he was! That's really lovely :~))) x

25 Feb, 2012


Thanks TT, Angie and Pixi!
I always listen to you Pimp :)

26 Feb, 2012


Fantastic Lil it's also widened your market for clients brilliant:) x

26 Feb, 2012


Just beautiful Lil - Ive just spent 10 minutes looking at all the gorgeous colours and shapes! - Pimp was right about the light behind it. Stained glass now???? or is that a different procedure?

26 Feb, 2012


Thanks Deb, I may have already secured a commission based on this, fingers xxx'ed :)

Thanks PL! Still a mosaic but set on clear glass. Does give the effect of stained glass.

26 Feb, 2012


Much easier than leadwrok eh?

26 Feb, 2012


Lol, you know it Pixi!!

26 Feb, 2012



26 Feb, 2012


great Lil, your just a natural at this :o))) x

26 Feb, 2012


What brilliant colours and flow - you're simply the best, Lil! Keep up the bullying, Pim!

26 Feb, 2012


Well said Gattina...I take it you sharpened your pencils!

26 Feb, 2012


Thanks Sandra and Gattina!
Between you and me Gattina, Pimp is largely responsible for my progress, but please, don't dare tell him as it will go straight to his head!! ;)
I needed his input for my colour choice here, was 'frozen' by doubt before starting.

26 Feb, 2012


Better not let anything else go to his head, Lil, it's QUITE big enough as it is. Yes Pimp, Pencils all sharp and I went to the little art shop in the centre of Bologna on Friday to buy a bunch of incredibly overpriced marten-hair paintbrushes. Just waiting for the rest of the snow to go and some wildflowers to get their act together. Don't push it!

27 Feb, 2012


<<<<<<<< is chuckling away

27 Feb, 2012


Red Sable is known as Marten Hair ML

29 Feb, 2012


No pushing here Gattina (just a gentle nudge), but I am really looking forward to seeing some more of your art!

29 Feb, 2012


Oh you old smoothie, sweetie, Lil. When I'm fed up with spring cleaning I'll see if I can dig some out for you.
When I first saw the photo on this blog, I got quite excited, as I've always rather liked the idea of stained glass panels in a hallway or bathroom or such, where you want a certain amount of privacy but don't want to use what I call "lavatory glass". I always dreamt of being able to design my own (totally inappropriate in this sort of house) using recycled "colourless" glass with swirls and textures and tones of greenish-blue, like old lemonade bottles and bulls-eye glass. Not expecting much in the way of lessons or materials in this part of the world, so I shall have to stick with botanical drawings instead, but if we should ever have to move back to the UK, it might be a new interest to have a crack (ooh, sorry, no pun intended) at. I know you said this was just an extension of mosaic-work, but done on a plain glass background, but are there any GoYers out there who do stained glass proper?

1 Mar, 2012


Does this piece not remind you of the windows in Manchester Cathedral Gattina?

1 Mar, 2012


Do you know, Pimp, it is SO long since I was in the cathedral, I really can't remember. It was some time before the IRA bombed that bit of Manchester for the first time, and I got covered in splintered wood and broken glass from the windows. I could never really bring myself to go back in there.

1 Mar, 2012


I was on a day off that day G. Fortunately.

1 Mar, 2012


I got blown up (not TOO close, thank goodness) both times. That's what comes of working near the top of Deansgate. Quite traumatising.

1 Mar, 2012


I used to do 'proper' stained glass decades ago.....eek!!!
Much prefer this medium, no need to be as precise which is perfect for me :)

Can't even begin to imagine what you folk went through during those times....

1 Mar, 2012


In retrospect it was quite exciting. Not so at the time. The real biggie at Marks and Spencer went off the Saturday morning after Daughter had done her last university finals exam and she'd said the day before she was planning to come into town and do a little celebratory shopping. Couldn't reach her on her mobile or through the university. Feared worst and was beside myself whole morning. She 'phoned at about 3.00p.m. horribly hung over and totally unaware of what had happened. She hadn't been shopping at all. Big sigh of relief all round. I had to work in a shop without windows and with great shards of glass sticking out of the walls and littered all over the seats and floors for weeks until everything got back to normal. We all felt as if we'd been personally attacked and although at the time we had no opportunity to feel scared, the shock certainly hit you afterwards. We had got a warning, and were all sitting in the sunshine at the collection point in Parsonage Gardens, pleased to have an opportunity to relax for 30 minutes or so. No-one really believed it was anything more than a false alarm. Then the earth bounced, and we saw a man blown in midair past the road at the end of the square, and dozens of police rushed in, shouting "Run! Run! Keep your heads down and run as fast as you can!" and we were racing across a carpet of shattered glass, some people had bleeding faces, not really knowing where to go. Every window for streets around had been smashed. We were rushed down into the streets in Salford, and had no way of getting out or home again, and were left to wander for ages. Thank goodness for mobile 'phones! At least we knew what had happened to our friends, and no-one we knew had been badly hurt. It could have been so, so much worse.

1 Mar, 2012


Blimey Gattina - what a horrendous experience ... it simply doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened

1 Mar, 2012


But when you think what they go through in Gaza, or Syria, or Lebanon, it's peanuts, isn't it?

1 Mar, 2012


It sure is Gattina, but there shouldn't be ANY form of violence or terrorism ...

1 Mar, 2012


Wouldn't that be a miracle? Of course there shouldn't. The sad fact is that there is.

1 Mar, 2012


Really makes me realize how very fortunate we are over here.....for now.

1 Mar, 2012


I know some people quit their jobs, due to the fear.

1 Mar, 2012


that's very nice Lil...

12 Mar, 2012


Thanks Surrey!

12 Mar, 2012

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