By Franl155

27 Feb, 2012
probably taken in 80s or 90s. I've no idea how much zoom I had on this - quite a lot, I think, as in the rest of the pics it's just a faint shape in the middle-to-far distance.
Comments on this photo
The Stones :) I like driving past at night along the A303 when all the tourists have gone.
27 Feb, 2012
do they light them up at night 7?
27 Feb, 2012
lol Sticki - I do have a "make your own Stonehenge" kit from Amazon - two, in fact, as I didn't realise they did the bigger size till after I'd got the smaller one - might put the smaller one up in the garden, if I can weather proof it - and that's assuming that I can assemble it! even the large one is on the small side. (they also do make-your-own-pyramid" kits)
I've been trying to get to Stonehenge: I emailed English Heritage after my long-distance viewing, asking them to do days for disabled peopel that'd led them get close enough to actually see the damn thing. They told me that, an hour before it opens to the public in the morning, and an hour after it closes in the evening, one can book a session and actually get in amongst the stones - one has to book, as they only let a dozen or so in at a time.
I've been trying to get there ever since, but - no transport. I can get to Salibury by train, but I can't get the last 7 miles - I emailed some taxi firms, but one wanted £42. Even tried bribing family/friends with a free trip - as I'm disabled, I'd get in for half price, and anyone going with me as "carer" would get in free. No go, sigh. This is one reason I'm trying to get a disabled scooter, then I can go places myself, when I want, for as long as I want!
27 Feb, 2012
No lights Sticki, it's actually nice to catch the merest glimpse or even non, knowing it's there is enough.
27 Feb, 2012
probably much more impressive without the lights. In its natural state.
27 Feb, 2012
nods, lights would be - what's the word? - melodramatic? it's dramatic enough as it is! *s*
27 Feb, 2012
Peaceful without lights. 'Are you there?'
...'I am here'
'Long day?'
'Can't stop'
Never much more than that really.
27 Feb, 2012
a few long years for stone henge i think or would that be one veeeerrrryyy long day?
27 Feb, 2012
lol the longest day!
27 Feb, 2012
Lol I think it would be :)
Ha ha Fran, very good! :D
27 Feb, 2012
English Heritage said they open Stonehenge free four times a year; one of htem has to be for Midsummer, not sure when the others are. she said they get tens of thousands there at those times; i said I'm after something a little more atomospheric - or atmosheric of the monument!
27 Feb, 2012
Just down the road from me. With my Post Code I get in for free.
27 Feb, 2012
aw, you lucky, lucky person!!!!
27 Feb, 2012
The first time we stopped here in the 60's we wondered around on our own , no wire fences surrounding it or paying to get in , when we decided to visit again a year or two ago we were surprised that it had become so commercialised it had been spoilt , the lonely splendour , isolation and ghosts past had gone ....
21 Mar, 2012
one can get in among the stones an hour before it opens to the public, and an hour after it closes - need to book, as they only let in a few at a time.
I liked it when we went to Carn Euny, Cornish ancient village with a fogu; no payment, no crowds, no one at all until we started to leave. Chysauster ancient village was the same, but we had to pay at the foot of the hill before we went up.
21 Mar, 2012
I used to have a picture of me, aged about 7, with my lovely Granddad, Joseph Tom, "holding up" one of the uprights. That was in the good old days before they closed it off and it was freely available to anyone who wanted to wander up to see it at close quarters. You've got amazing light in this picture, Fran - lovely! Very dramatic.
27 Mar, 2012
I don't know how much of that is due to the amount of zoom I must have used, or to tweaking the photo in Paint Shop!
Whenever they show Stonehenge on documentaries etc, they never seem to show the barrier - was therefore quite a surprise to me the first time we visited. I suppose they have to protect it from the morons and vandals, but, sigh...
27 Mar, 2012
only ever past this place once...and from a distance...good image....
17 Oct, 2013
thanks, Jane. as i'll be moving almost 200 miles further north I suppose this will have to stay on my "maybe one day" list a lot longer. But there'll be other places which will be newly reachable.
Actually, Avebury is older, and bigger, and would be more impressive if they hadn't run a flipping major road through it! it's too big to be appreciated at a glace, as Stonehenge is. But the stones are open to the touch, you can wander and dowse to your heart's content!
17 Oct, 2013
:-))))) thank you.
18 Oct, 2013
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i thought you had been experimenting with the hyper tufa already Fran!!!
27 Feb, 2012