By Lulu33

29 Feb, 2012
Comments on this photo
I know, every year it's like this! and always in the same place in this natural pond, which dries up come hot, dry weather. I suppose that's why they spawn early!
29 Feb, 2012
my word!!!
29 Feb, 2012
29 Feb, 2012
blimey, i haven't seen any in mine yet but i have seen the frogs are back..
29 Feb, 2012
None in mine either, mind you only had one poor lonesome frog last year, poor lad was a bit confused and trying it on with the fish!!!!!!, we have 2 ponds a much smaller wildlife one and one with fish think he'd got confused and jumped in the wrong one :-))
29 Feb, 2012
Oh Dear! Hope it's got a friend this year! Or maybe you have some fish with legs that say 'ribbet'!!
29 Feb, 2012
February is the right time for frogspawn Lou, so its not too early, great site.
29 Feb, 2012
What a lovely lot , we use to help the frogs cross the road where we use to live dashing backwards and forwards with our buckets the cars didn't bother to slow down even though there were 'frogs crossing' signs
29 Feb, 2012
lovely pic n colours
29 Feb, 2012
It's a magic place Stevie...........
29 Feb, 2012
Frogspawn now being offered on our local Freecycle site! .......
29 Feb, 2012
LoL Shirley. I moved some of this spawn into my pond last year, they didn't really like the move. Different water I suppose..maybe I could transfer some to a bucket and hope they hop into my pond!
29 Feb, 2012
Freecycle have now posted a warning re moving frogspawn around! ... It appears that spreading from pond to pond (as has been done for decades) spreads diseases which are fatal to frogs ... leave it where it is and let nature do the rest ... ours came from a relative's garden pond ... oops! .....
2 Mar, 2012
I agree, doesn't feel right moving them somehow.
3 Mar, 2012
We shall leave it to Nature then, Lulu ... have a good weekend ... damp and grey down here this morning ... : o(
3 Mar, 2012
Sunny till midday.
Iv'e been spring cleaning. Decided to tackle the oven and used the wrong product.....think I've ruined it!!
3 Mar, 2012
Oh nooooo! ... Has it taken off the surface of the interior? ... Honestly, the things you do to get out of cooking ...........
3 Mar, 2012
Couldn't get it off at all at first. Took much scrubbing over & over. Then oven on to burn off any residue, then more washing and the sodding oven interior still looks volcanic!
3 Mar, 2012
: o ((((
3 Mar, 2012
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So much of it! .....
29 Feb, 2012