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Dendrobium kingianum - Rock Orchid

Dendrobium kingianum - Rock Orchid (Dendrobium kingianum - Rock Orchid)

My rock orchid is still in full bloom. Photo taken Feb. 29, 2012.

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I really like this one.

1 Mar, 2012


that's a really nice one Delonix..

1 Mar, 2012


Nice one!
Not jealous for once though as I have a few!

1 Mar, 2012



Buy one...I think it'll do well in your climate. :>)

1 Mar, 2012



Thanks! :>)

1 Mar, 2012



Are they growing outside? I know, I being a brat! :>)

1 Mar, 2012


They do in the summer, very well too!
Nothing up with a little harmless joshing Delonix!!!

1 Mar, 2012


Yes, orchids love the fresh air of the outdoors. I have all mine in the back yard. I brought some of my Epidendrum orchids inside the house a couple days ago. They all look so good and I've never had any indoors before.

1 Mar, 2012



2 Mar, 2012


I know, I know. LOL! :>)

I don't know how long I can keep my Epidendrum orchids indoors before the bugs start to invade them.

2 Mar, 2012


If they are happy outside take them back out. They look better outside anyway. Be happy you're so lucky. ;o/

2 Mar, 2012


Alex - he has to take them indoors so that the air conditioning can keep them cool!!!

2 Mar, 2012



I brought them indoors so I can enjoy them for a little while, anyway. They seem to being pretty well by the south-facing window. They need a lot of bright light.

I'll take some pics of how they look indoors.

2 Mar, 2012



Well!!! LOL! The last few days have been cold's high temp was 74ºF/23ºC. :>)

You may be right, for this weekend is suppose to get pretty darn warm! Possibly warmer than 83ºF/28ºC.

2 Mar, 2012


lol......He can't help himself Meanie. ;o)))))))))

23C Delonix!!! It feels like 25C today (wink).

3 Mar, 2012




You won't believe how hot it's going to be this week. After a cool night, it's already 70ºF/21ºC at 9:30 this morning and should be reaching 83ºF/28ºC. Tomorrow will much warmer!

3 Mar, 2012


That must be such a nightmare for you!!

Have you noticed how fragrant this Den is?

3 Mar, 2012



Yes, we're just suffering with the beautiful hot weather! LOL! :>)

4 Mar, 2012


We were suffering from snow this morning!!
Take your pick............

4 Mar, 2012


Weeeell....we've had temps in the high teens with the sun shinning down on us making it really feels like spring! ;o))))))))))

4 Mar, 2012


Now you're gloating too!

4 Mar, 2012


Oh come on....after the winter we've had....I'm definitely gloating!

4 Mar, 2012


You don't know you're born Alex! A couple of wee frosts and you expect sympathy!!!!!

4 Mar, 2012


Lol.....yes. I don't like frost it kills plants. Made me rethink of which plants go in the garden and which go in pots.

4 Mar, 2012


Welcome to my world!!

4 Mar, 2012


I don't like it. It won't probably be this cold for the next decade but I can't chance it.

4 Mar, 2012


All this talk of frost, snow is making me cold! LOL! :>)

It's already 80ºF/27ºC in many areas of inland San Diego, at 9:00 a.m. I think many cities to the east will be close to 90ºF/32ºC today

4 Mar, 2012



5 Mar, 2012

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This photo is of species Dendrobium kingianum - Rock Orchid.

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