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THe Lone ranger again Bloomer!


By Pixi25

THe Lone ranger again Bloomer!

God they are quick wee bu**ars! lol Managed to get this shot!

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Well caught! :))))

2 Mar, 2012


Bit far away..I think I need to hide somewhere lol ;)

2 Mar, 2012


well done Pixi, they are lovely birds :-))

2 Mar, 2012



2 Mar, 2012



2 Mar, 2012


I never have any luck getting them close up either Pixi - they are too clever :)

2 Mar, 2012


awww nice one Pixi - yes they don't hang about !!:)))))

2 Mar, 2012


They are very attuned to faces turning in their direction, just swiveling your head towards a bird will make it take off. Also the camera being lifted will spook them. A tripod, seat and a baseball cap would be a start or sit just holding the camera up ready if they have become used to you. They like statues ;)

2 Mar, 2012


Lol, bless..I wonder where its mate is ? I have two which are inseperable just now..wonder if he's wearing the right deodorant ? or maybe he just thinks he's Gods gift to women ..:o))..I'll send Russell ..he is good at playing statues..Lol.

2 Mar, 2012


They live in the tree down the back from me..I want them to come and stay at my house but they always jsut have a nosey at the boxes and dont stay :(
Well I have a statue too! pfft\!"

2 Mar, 2012


They live in the tree down the back from me..I want them to come and stay at my house but they always jsut have a nosey at the boxes and dont stay :(
Well I have a statue too! pfft\!"

2 Mar, 2012


ha ha,Pixi..I forgot about your own personal statue !...glad you reminded me..twice.:o))..they are very picky ,aren't they? I saw somewhere,that if the female isn't happy with the house,her mate has to keep searching ..sounds about right to me Lol.

3 Mar, 2012


Haha I was on the damn laptop! Canny type on that!
Yeah sounds right! ;)))))))

3 Mar, 2012


Lol,Pixi..and there was me thinking you did it on purpose,to make sure I didn't miss it! :o)

3 Mar, 2012


You should know by now I cant type well..especially on my laptop! lolol ;))))))

3 Mar, 2012


No problem,Pixi..we can read it..:o)) x

3 Mar, 2012

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