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Common Shrubby Begonia

Common Shrubby Begonia (Begonia)

This is a very common shrubby begonia. It blooms all year and is very hardy. Photo taken at Solana Beach, San Diego County, CA. on Feb. 22, 2012.

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It wasn't very hardy in my garden this year. It's alive and new shoots are just starting to grow.

6 Mar, 2012


Do you have this one? This is a very common shrubby begonia. Not sure what's it's variety is, though.

6 Mar, 2012


Begonia's in general are very common here. Most people make new plants from cuttings.
I don't know if it's the exact same type but it has this color flowers. I have a red one with gorgeous green shinny leaves, I hope it still lives.

6 Mar, 2012


The begonia above doesn't get very tall...not like some of the very tall Angel-Wing cane begonias.

7 Mar, 2012


The one I have (had) didn't get very tall. If it did survive, I will take some pictures .

7 Mar, 2012


I know many of the shrubby cane begonias are not hardy at all. Even this one in the basket is not a hardy Begonia.

7 Mar, 2012


What a lovely flower...:)

8 Mar, 2012



Thank you! :>)

8 Mar, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
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