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garden skeleton...looking chilly

garden skeleton...looking chilly

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Not a soul for miles ........

4 Apr, 2012


It must be so quiet and peaceful! No like the urban jungle I live in...

5 Apr, 2012


It's interesting to "hear" the silence. There really is a different level of "noise" out here...we hear wild creatures, wind in the upper story of the forest...(which is a roar not unlike that of an approaching freight train!) The best "noise" , if I can call it that, is birdsong at sunrise! Beethoven never did it better! lol....

7 Apr, 2012


That sounds so wonderful! The noises from nature tend to be so calming.

I get so tired of the sirens, cars, and boomboxes blasting in cars!

7 Apr, 2012


Part of the reason we moved from our house in town was the constant noise, morning, noon and night! Buses, trains, cars, skateboards, boomboxes....Hubby joked to the realestate agent that he wanted an area with a population density of two per hundred square miles!

10 Apr, 2012


We have the skateboarders, buses...luckily, no trains. However, the helicopters dry me absolutely batty!

That sounds very good to me...population density of two per hundred square miles! LOL!

11 Apr, 2012


I just bought a wire obelisk with a fleurdelys on top. Last weekend at a garden fair. Lovely view Lori. We have sirens galore and helicopters rumbling above, as well as planes stacking for Heathrow and leaving Docklands airport. As I am going deaf nothing sounds all that loud. In future everyone will be deaf at a much younger age than me, due to all the ear plugs. Sometimes it can be very quiet here, even near town.

26 May, 2012


Bought two of them about three years ago for my clematis, Dorjac. Found them too small. Will have to construct a couple of larger wooden obelisks for the clems...these are pretty with the fleur de lys. Will post a pic of the same view today.

26 May, 2012

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