phlox subulata Amazing grace
By Paulsgarden

25 Apr, 2012
Comments on this photo
Thanks Tracey :-)) about right this one according to the tag - first time I bought a Phlox so hope it does well :-)
25 Apr, 2012
pretty little one Paul.... :-)
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks Surreylad - bought one of those Oxalis too yesterday :))))
25 Apr, 2012
I've never grown them either - I think they like moist soil, so you could be busy with the watering can (if we ever get any sun!) I take it you live in an area with a hose pipe ban?
25 Apr, 2012
Hi Tracey - to be honest I don't know if we have - I was washing down then thought - I may get fined for this so stopped - all this rain hopefully stop this ban now :))))) not sure about soil have to look a bit more detail on that
25 Apr, 2012
Now, that's definitely 'Amazing Grace'! Love it!! :)))
25 Apr, 2012
Lovely very pretty:))))
25 Apr, 2012
I have this one Paul, it's very pretty
25 Apr, 2012
very pretty, i love phlox:-)
25 Apr, 2012
love the blue edging around the petals
25 Apr, 2012
Hi Paul - thats a very pretty little phlox, I think its one of the alpine kind that flower early on in the year. Petaltracey you are probably thinking of phlox paniculata types. They do flower in late summer and are also very pretty. Sorry Paul, just thought I would clear that up!
25 Apr, 2012
Lovely little thing. My alpine phlox isn't flowering at all yet....but I think it flowered later last year..can't really remember. :))
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks everyone :)))))) Thanks PoppyL for the info :)))))))))))))))))
25 Apr, 2012
yw honey :-)))
25 Apr, 2012
I have quite a few now, some in flower but most are still waiting for some sun. Lovely plants.
25 Apr, 2012
PL :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hi Annella yes and a bit of warmth too - so cold this April - :)))))
25 Apr, 2012
We are ALL waiting for that aren't we? lol ;)
25 Apr, 2012
yes indeed Karen ;))
25 Apr, 2012
Love them, this is a pretty one to...
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks DD :))))))))))))))))
25 Apr, 2012
Beautiful flower, beautiful shot Paul. I love them too, and mine just started flowering a few days ago. :))
26 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sheila :))) first time bought these - bought a hardy evergreen one today too :))))))))))))) nice yours are doing well too :))
26 Apr, 2012
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Very pretty - Is this very early? I thought they flowered in late summer.
25 Apr, 2012