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Ceanothus repens

Ceanothus repens

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Pretty colour :o)

29 Apr, 2012


Love these...mine suffered really badly in the cold snap.

29 Apr, 2012


Looks like a nice warm spot for it too. Mine, like Karen's have not recovered from the cold winters. They are struggling along, but not really doing well. The two I bought last year are ok though and full of buds.

29 Apr, 2012


My ceanothus arboreus has been reduced to a stump sprouting a few shoots too... :(

30 Apr, 2012


:( Hope they recover...yours have more chance than mine when the good weather comes to you I think.

30 Apr, 2012


Hi to GYo friends again. Just planted this, tried to move one from my previous garden (same village) and it died on me although previously florishing in -14C for a couple of winters, so fingers crossed.

30 Apr, 2012


I'm sure yours will recover, Karen...I've always found them to be pretty hardy, even in Scotland. Fingers crossed for you.

Like you, Troddles, this has never happened to mine was that late 'deep freeze', followed by complete saturation that's done it - poor things...don't know if they're coming or going.

30 Apr, 2012

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This photo is of "Ceanothus repens" in Troddles's garden

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