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Rosemary looking the best ever.

Rosemary looking the best ever.

Comments on this photo


This is lovely.

.. How long has it been in flower ?

.. and which variety is it ?

.. How tall is it ?

So many questions !!! Lol.

30 Apr, 2012


Thanks ..You've trained it into a good shape :o)

30 Apr, 2012


I have one in the kitchen. I bought it as a 'houseplant' and thought, once the warmer weather comes, I shall be able to get this outside....still waiting!

30 Apr, 2012


I have Rosemary against a fence about 7ft high and new Rosemary plants about 7cm high .... Lol.

30 Apr, 2012


It's gorgeous, J...they look fabulous as they mature when you keep them in shape like that.
(another one of my casualties, I'm afraid - not dead, but nearly)

30 Apr, 2012


looks lovely julia, iv found alot of plants have started well this year, maybe because its been a milder winter :o))

30 Apr, 2012


amazing - bet it smells a treat for you

30 Apr, 2012


Karensusan - they're hardy in all but the late 'deep freeze' which happened here (and mine was young)! Go for it! :)))

30 Apr, 2012



30 Apr, 2012


Your pruning has paid dividends M - give yourself a big pat on the back, all my rosemarys (if they have survived) have always gone a bit woody at the bottom when they mature. Yours is really good, you'll have to let us know your pruning techniques. Hope you have lots of garlic planted to go with it!

1 May, 2012


You are too modest, cant all be down to luck!

1 May, 2012


My Rosemary is also 12 years old grown from a cutting. Like Poppy mine is a bit woody at the bottom. Was going to dig it up - but OH likes it too much to use when he's cooking me roast lamb. (Sadly not often Welsh lamb, which he assures me is the best! lol)

2 May, 2012


Oooohhh dear me! :(

3 May, 2012


Seems Im not the only one with a 'woody bottom' then!

3 May, 2012

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