By Karenfrance

30 Apr, 2012
Anyone know what this one's called? It's got the most wonderful red colour on the undersides of the leaves.
Comments on this photo
Not one I have so can't help you there K....I'm sure Karensusan will come to the rescue :))
30 Apr, 2012
Is it marmalade...See my pics..it is red underside.
Oh yes KS will know it.
30 Apr, 2012
I'm thinking it's a wee bitty too red for Marmalade P - but knowing me I'm probably wrong :)
30 Apr, 2012
No, I thought the top a bit too red as well..
30 Apr, 2012
it could possibly one of the peachy ones eg. flambe or georgia peach
30 Apr, 2012
I don't know...they're not big on 'names' here...
...but it's got big, fleshy, red flower stems with (thus far) tiny white buds :)
30 Apr, 2012
great photo
30 Apr, 2012
Have a look at Cherry Cola...mine is this colour right now, but I'm not positive what colour the flowers should be. :))
30 Apr, 2012
I have given up on naming my heucheras. I like them for what they are and I found it too frustrating to try and remember names. I did have slate name tags beside each one but the names came off. I will name any new ones using laminated name plates in future because I find they do last. I should warn you they are addictive.
30 Apr, 2012
It's very seldom that plants are 'named' here...and the ones which are usually cost MUCH more...but I do like to try to keep up (even if it takes five years for them to finally get here)!! :)))
Thank you, KS, Pim, Scottish and SL for your lovely efforts! :)
...but, I'm actually feeling quite tired, and am taking a leaf out of Scotsgrans book...
(after all, I buy most of them from the market...and could probably never get the same one again)!
I'm going to give up naming my heucheras ( and all sorts of other lovely plants)
You only really need to know what you've got in case you lose it and want to find it again, n'est pas? And in my case, they don't really know what it was in the first place and won't ever find it again!
So...am I bothered...do I look bothered??? NO! lol! ;))))))
30 Apr, 2012
Ooooh...that didn't read back the way I meant it to...
30 Apr, 2012
quell horreur or something vaguely french sounding....Your next door neighbour thought he was buying balsam............Names are important non?
30 Apr, 2012
Bien sûr, Pim! :)
I think I was just talking about the varieties, I hope... :/
30 Apr, 2012
Lol...I worked for a french Co for 10 years Karen..The only phrase I had when HO rang was..J'avais un crise de foie...How I lasted I will never know..
30 Apr, 2012
I think we need to set priorities and honestly Pim I have to put my sanity before knowing the name of the variety of heuchera I have already bought and enjoy. Will try to do better is all I can offer. lol. With around 30 different names on my list, which I carry with me, because I admit to being a heucheraholic, I never offer to give away cutting because so many new varieties are under PBR. Now that affects the breeders right to make a living and I do respect that.
30 Apr, 2012
You managed to wring 10 years out of that, Pim...?
I'm surprised that you lasted that long (physically speaking)...and, I'm sure that they were aghast that a liver crisis could last that long!!!! ;))
(bit scared now that what I write isn't received in the way it was intended... :/)
30 Apr, 2012
30...different ones..not just 30 plants. Oh Gran, my mum was like that with her kids...yell every name and the right one would turn up or hide.
30 Apr, 2012
Only at weekend karen...they used to fly a different person in to see me every quarter. Oh we had such fun and all on expenses...Fab
30 Apr, 2012
Karen, that happens hun. Don't worry about it. I totally understand where you are coming from with the naming thing. After all, it's hard enough when you 'do' get the name with the plant. If I had to find the names for all the plants I buy there's no way I'd be bothering. In fact, I don't think I knew ANY variety names before I came on here!....well, maybe a few, but I certainly didn't keep any kind of 'catalogue' like I do now. It has added extra interest for me to do that on here, but only because it is easy! :)))) I think you have the right idea..to borrow a word from my daughter....chillax! ;)
30 Apr, 2012
They're a bit behind the times here, Karen, which is sometimes infuriating but, mostly, quite charming...they haven't caught up on any of the bad stuff going on out there either.
Lol! Presumably that JKW had a 'name' when his nibs bought it from a garden centre (I don't think it would have been from the market, somehow....). 'Yifter the Shifter' or 'Adrian Bolt', perhaps? ;)
I used to get sent to Paris twice a year in a previous life, Pim, it was the same...loads of fun...I've still got a bottle of Haute Smith Lafitte purchased on expenses...
...totally undrinkable now...
1 May, 2012
I have to say it was in all probability the wage bill that sank the ship. Very generous employer indeed...with strange french ideas like 2hrs+ for lunch, close early due to "enui." Then go hysterical because we would not open the shop on Easter Sunday due to the trading laws!
1 May, 2012
Aaah, very French indeed, Pim...
It's bank holiday, here, today - which means that everyone took a bridge-day yesterday...so some things have been closed since Friday! It's like that in May...
They don't close for Easter, though! lol!
1 May, 2012
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can't help sorry Karen, it's a nice colour though...
30 Apr, 2012