Heuchera 'caramel'
By Karenfrance

30 Apr, 2012
Bought more today...
Comments on this photo
NO! You're quite right, Scottish - I've got these mixed up! This is the one I want to identify! lol! :)
30 Apr, 2012
No...I haven't!! :/
What do you think it is then, Scottish?
30 Apr, 2012
They're great plants
30 Apr, 2012
I haven't the foggiest K...I don't have one this colour - the nearest is a Heucherella and it's not that I'm sure. Put on question board alternatively look on one of the website that sell them. Plantagogo or Heucheraholics have lots of pics to compare as a starting point.
30 Apr, 2012
Have a look on this link and you will see why we are all so dense. Beware, open Pandoras box at your peril. http://www.plantagogo.com/acatalog/HEUCHERA.html
30 Apr, 2012
Sorry girls, the box will not open! Heuchera, heucherella!
...now I'm scared!!! lol! ;)))))
30 Apr, 2012
Just type in plantagogo and then search. The site will come up. I have around 30 different heucheras and the odd heucherella and they change so much over the course of the year that i could swear someone is swapping my plants around to confuse me. They are mostly evergreen or red, orange, pink or whatever colour they are but they do not remain looking identical all year. I have one named Miracle which at some point has a lovely outline edging on the leaf. At other times the edging just disappears.
30 Apr, 2012
I've just sat it beside another smaller one, Sg - definitely tagged 'caramel'...it's slightly different but, honestly, I can hardly tell the difference. Like you say, time will tell.
1 May, 2012
I think Vicky could have a full time job telling us which is which as she is familiar with them at all times of the year. As for the rest of us the more we see of them the more we want and then its a case of how reliable are your labels. Do they last in the garden for a whole year? I have found waiting for the flowers can be the deciding factor in identifying each one.
1 May, 2012
Well, I'm a complete heuchera novice, Sg. I've only ever had the old fashioned ones that my mum had - in fact, divisions from her garden...until now, that is!
I'm going to have to create a whole area just for them. But, if I buy them from the market, I'll never really know what they are, because I'm in France and they just put out a stallful of plants and call them, 'heuchère' or 'gazanie'. They don't actually pay attention to the names of the varieties they're growing.
Which reminds me that there was an almost black gazania next to these heucheras...beautiful...but I've got too much to sort out first.
1 May, 2012
I'm not so sure about the dedicated heuchera area. We built raised beds and I put all mine in there but I did not like it. I think they look stunning in amongst other plants but that is just my idea.
1 May, 2012
I've been thinking about that all day, Sg...
I've got an entire gable end of about 14 metres. So, I think I'm going to distribute them.
2 May, 2012
The great thing is you can always swap them around to get the final effect you want if that is ever achievable in a garden.
2 May, 2012
Well...that'll be sometime never then...lol!
I've got a strong young lad coming to lift turf and make the flower beds bigger today so, they'll be somewhere in the ground by tomorrow afternoon - which will be a bit of a relief.
3 May, 2012
Fingers crossed it does not rain then.
3 May, 2012
He's out there, grafting now...and he's promised to finish it today. So yes, indeed, fingers crossed...
3 May, 2012
Are you making a seat like Karensusans to clear up all the sods. 14m worth might even get you a 3 piece suite. Take an aspirin before you start planting it up or your back will kill you.
3 May, 2012
I was thinking more of a stone bench, Sg...lol
Luckily I've got a big empty raised bed, in a hidden away place, that I can stack the sods in. Not too many left now, still to move.
4 May, 2012
You and Karensusan are whirlwinds when it comes to getting jobs done. There used to be a lot of debate about whether your given name made any difference to how you are as a person.
4 May, 2012
Ah, there may well be something in that, Sg.
But you're no slouch either - all those pots and baskets!!
I've been a bit slow to get started...and I can't stop now or I'll seize up! My problem is that I always underestimate how much work is involved and set myself impossible deadlines...
5 May, 2012
Why does that ring a bell.
5 May, 2012
You too?...I'd never have guessed...lol!
5 May, 2012
Karen - came across this...and thought of your unidentified heuchera.....it's not far away is it?
6 May, 2012
I've written it down Scottish, but I can't look now because something wonderful just happened...
Satchmo just got home!! Lagos to Chalais via Nairobi (two days)...was missing without trace for a bit...but he made it!!! :)))))))))
6 May, 2012
You must be dead chuffed - welcome home Satchmo!!!!!!!
6 May, 2012
He's a bit shell-shocked...it wasn't a very nice adventure...but he's lying on the sofa next to me... :))))))
Two down...working on the rest...
6 May, 2012
Thats great news.
6 May, 2012
One happy, scruffy dog this morning!
7 May, 2012
Thank goodness. It must have been travel lag or whatever it is called. I suppose animals can be affected in the same way as humans. How many more pets do you have to bring over. I thought you only took the three of them.
7 May, 2012
He's still not quite as perky as he should be...and still not eaten much...but, definitely happy.He's following me around like my shadow with a very waggy tail. I, too, think it was just the horrible journey...but should be more convinced by this evening.
The other wee dog we took with us is still there...and then there's the pup we rescued from the beach there. OH considers the pyrrenean sheepdog to be his...although it was always me who looked after her.
7 May, 2012
We had a Samoyed. He was officially my mother in laws dog but she could not handle him so when we got married it was "I do take you OH and Randall". His kennel name was Kappa of Kobe but he had been nicknamed Randall before my MiL got him. He was devoted to me and I used to walk him 4 x a day minimum of a mile at a time. He certainly kept me fit. Its a worry when you can't see how they are.
7 May, 2012
My word, four miles a day - you would be fit!! But big dogs do need the excercise, don't they?
Satchmo's quite small and I'm much lazier than that...we go across to the woods and I throw sticks up the hill. Sometimes, I only pretend to throw the stick and he has to run twice...it works for both of us! lol!
7 May, 2012
Sammys are working dogs and its not fair to keep one if you don't give enough exercise. Under all his fluff he was only labrador size. He was a big softy and so good with the children.
7 May, 2012
Lots of grooming too, I'll bet, Sg.
Sadie is a working dog too, though not big...and that's why I want her to come home.
7 May, 2012
We had red carpets and grey suite when we first set up home and no vacuum cleaner. It was a nightmare when he was shedding white hair everywhere. She'll be back soon.
7 May, 2012
Oh I can just imagine trying to brush up all that long hair. With Sadie it's a case of hands and knees with rubber gloves sometimes. I hope so.
7 May, 2012
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Karen, I'm not convinced this is 'Caramel' it's lovely though, I will stand corrected if I'm wrong :)
30 Apr, 2012