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Euphorbia Characias 'Black Pearl'


By Simbad

Euphorbia Characias 'Black Pearl' (euphorbia)

A new purchase, had to have it didn't I :-)

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Yes of course you did Kathy LOL it's a beauty I have several different ones but not that one , I love those black centres !

30 Apr, 2012


OOOhhhh yes, of course you had to have it Simbad....:>)

30 Apr, 2012


Of course. Gorgeous. What's the plant with the red leaves behind.

30 Apr, 2012


Thanks girls I feel better now,lol, they look brilliant for such a long time don't they Amy, I have 3 different ones now, but will be keeping my eye open for more, bought this from The Range of all places!!!!

30 Apr, 2012


Thanks Dawn:-)
Thats lysimachia 'Firecracker', bit rampant but gives a bit of foliage contrast, gets to around 3ft and has small yellow flowers in summer too.

30 Apr, 2012


Hi Kathy. I've never been into The Range, must do. I grew from seed some Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' a couple of years ago, thought I'd lost them in the horrible 2010 Winter but still have a few. Sent Amy a baby one I seem to remember. Wonder if I could collect seed? Thanks for the ID Kathy, of Lys. Fire Cracker. I got this last year, mine arent as far on as yours.

30 Apr, 2012


Are you still sowing the seeds Dawn :-)
I've had to buy more pots today got free daylily seed from the BHHS and so far have over 100 plants!!!! more still germinating in the fridge plus all the other seeds I've grown, god knows where everythings going,lol.

30 Apr, 2012


Oh yes Kathy, still growing - I blame you and Amy for encouraging me. Lol. So satisfying isnt it, I've tried to calm down a bit but the greenhouse is still pretty full. Your day lily seeds have done well.

30 Apr, 2012


Love the Euphorbias, I have a few different ones but havent got this beauty1 I have sown lots of seeds this year just waiting for decent weather so I can plant them out now;0)

30 Apr, 2012


I do like this one, it is on my to buy list.....have several Euphorbias, love them.

30 Apr, 2012


Kathy / Dawn my 'Baby' ' Wulfenii' is huge I must take a photo of it, it's beautiful .... I must send you both a piece of 'Tiny Tim' if you haven't got it ! it was new to me last year and has already spread across about 6ft in diameter on the gravel .... Carole / Angela let me know if you would like some as well , beware it does spread and can cover a large area ........

1 May, 2012


Oh Amy, glad the Wulfenii is good. Mine struggled after the bad Winter of 2010 but not very big but they are the giant variety. I woud like some Tiny Tim please, when convenient, if that's Ok, thanks Amy.

1 May, 2012


Ooo Amy thats so kind of you :-),I've just googled Tiny Tim its lovely, anything of mine you fancy please just ask :-))

1 May, 2012


You are both welcome I will check to see if there's a best time to dig it up :o)) Kathy I spent ages today pricking out your Lobelia 'Tupa' last year they didn't grow at all and this year masses of them , I 'm really looking forward to seeing them in flower : o))

1 May, 2012


Amy thanks would love some please, if you have any spare......

1 May, 2012


Thankyou Amy:-) glad the lobelia are doing so well for you I've just been planting some out too,that I grew last spring, lost all my others in the awful winter, thank goodness I collected seed, they did survive the previous cold winter though.

2 May, 2012


You will go on my list Angela :o)

2 May, 2012


Hi Simbad

Having a sneeky buy on the side very nice

What are you going to do with all those seedlings mine still in fridge nothing happening yet I havnt a clue if they all grow(50seeds) space is starting to be a problem taking 12 inhces off the lawn all the borders I do have a side of the garden that gets sun from dawn till about 12ish at this time of year do you think the daylilys will get enough sun to flower etc as I would be able to put a good 20 in all seperate varieties
Still only the one scape at the moment !!


2 May, 2012


Ooops you caught me Gg,lol.
The seedlings will grow on on the allotment when they're big enough, till flowering, then I'll be able to sort out the good from the bad and decide which to keep, sure yours'll sprout soon, every packet of mines grown except one,they sprouted and then died, and practically every seed,so really pleased, hopefully I'll have some interesting spidery crosses, fingers crossed.
Oh no totally the wrong spot for daylilies,lol, you'll have to send them all to me :-)), not really, sure they'll be fine in the position you say I have some that are in the shade of the house all morning and sun in the afternoon and they all flower fine.
Oh yes I have that problem too the ever decreasing lawn, lol, just dig it all up Gg :-), you'll be able to buy more then,lol, mine are all in the ground now except for Frilly Bliss and the one you sent Pink Enchilada, they're growing really well and just potted into bigger pots but think I'll wait a couple of weeks to let them get a bit bigger :-)
I only have scapes on 2, Happy Returns, always the first to start and last to finish and String Bikini.

3 May, 2012


Kathy my one and only Daylily is looking very healthy this year just hoping it will flower this year what do scrapes look like?

3 May, 2012


Hi Pansypotter

"Scape" a long stalk with flower buds on the end sprouting out from the base of the leaves

What your "one and only called" thinking of that its not a bad name for a DL Simbad will tell us both when roughly what time of the year it flowers


3 May, 2012


Amy I would to take you up on your offer of Tiny Tim if you have one to spare ;0))

4 May, 2012


Thats fine Carole , sorry for not answering sooner we've been away for a few days , I've now have to tackle all the nasty washing ironing,and back to cooking etc, groan :o(

8 May, 2012


Will pm you tomorrow Amy x

8 May, 2012

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This photo is of "Euphorbia Characias 'Black Pearl'" in Simbad's garden

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