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Tennis anyone


By Ams

Tennis anyone

Comments on this photo


Wellies are apt as its Wimbledon!

23 Jun, 2008


Those rubber boots look an awful lot like a planter a bought a while back. I like this photo, it's very whimsical. Like a child was here and is now off on another adventure.

23 Jun, 2008


Tasteyg, it is indeed a ceramic flower pot, very cheap but everyone that visits comments on the sweet homely image they convey.

24 Jun, 2008


Were these the ACTUAL ones that Tim Henman wore ?
How did you get hold of them ?
Bet it was eBay ?!


27 Jun, 2008


Ams, I forgot to mention, this is actually a brilliant shot !
It's a conversation piece to say the least (pardon the pun/irony).

Love it, and agree with tasteyg too, I know that scenario so well...!

27 Jun, 2008


With my first blog being about the Wellie Olympics, you can see why I had to have this photo as a favourite.

On my page, I've added it to my collection of photo favourites of assorted garden footwear!

Good one, Ams.

31 Aug, 2008

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