Linton Wind Farm site
By Ams
- 23 Jun, 2008
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Walked to the top of the hill in my village today, grade 1 argicultural land.
This site is earmarked for 14 Wind turbines, 90m diam. rotary blades.
23 Jun, 2008
There was quite a stink when a wind farm was built on the moorland at the back of me-its nearly finished.(I've posted a few pictures of it). Many people are not convinced the benefits outweigh the advantages (David Bellamy came over here to join the protests) One thing is for sure though- we have to end our dependence on fossil fuels.
23 Jun, 2008
I can see for miles and miles and miles.....oh yah.
23 Jun, 2008
Beautiful pic you can feel the wind on your face just looking at it. Oh yes what does 'lol' mean???
5 Jul, 2008
Janey, I am learning this texting language from GOY members too.
'lol' = laugh out loud.
'lmao' = laugh my **** off
5 Jul, 2008
Many thanks for that Ams, now I don't feel so thick! As for the wind farms, it all depends on each site I suppose, we had rows of them on the hill tops in Catalunya as the Mistral blew down our way in Spring, there were no complaints from the locals, they even blended in with the old fashioned windmills of the area. I think using natural elements is really good, we actually had our own wind turbine, solar panels and rainwater system in a cisterna pumped around the house which Ian my husband installed, also the waste system was a tank down a few terraces with no base and the liquid filtered through the rocks and stones. I do wonder though if the wind farms create their own turbulance and change the weather pattern of the area they are in.
9 Jul, 2008
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This reminds me very much of the Mid West here in the US.
23 Jun, 2008