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Waiting in The Wings

Waiting in The Wings

All my little plants grown from seeds are ready and waiting to be set free in the garden, I have been hardening them off for a couple of days, hoping to be able to plant them out at the end of the week!
They are Lavertera, Cosmos, Oriental Poppies, Shirley Poppies and Salvias, the weather forecast doesnt look too good though;0(

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great selection there carole, its not a good forecast weekend iv been told, so depending how heavy the rain to come, you dont want the little plants battering.

3 May, 2012


No I dont Sandra will be keeping my eye on them, they may just have to go back in the Mini Green House again, but will wait and see!!

3 May, 2012


How exciting, are they my oriental poppies you have there. :)

3 May, 2012


Yes they are Dawn only plnted afew seeds I think I have seven which germinated and are little plants now, will put a picture on when they get bigger ;0))

3 May, 2012


A healthy looking lot there,Carole..I think you are right,about leaving them a bit longer..not a good forecast for next week..Harry will have to bear the brunt if they get frosted !Lol.

4 May, 2012


I've left most of mine in the greenhouse for this cold snap, but too late for my lavateras and malvas...they are planted out already, as are my sweet peas and a lot of my tiny wildflower seedlings....hopefully as we are so coastal we won't get hit too hard by the frosts. Isn't it just awful? :((

4 May, 2012


..but...yesterday I sat out in my friend's garden in the sunshine and it was actually warm enough to be I'm glad we took advantage of it!

4 May, 2012


Lol Sandra Harry wants his table back so may risk planting after weekend!
Karen the weather has been dreadful usually have all my little plants planted out by now, how are your Laverteras and Malva doing? hope they are ok, I took a chance with my Sweet Peas yesterday as they were getting too tall for the mini Greenhouse!!
Pleased you were able to sit out yesterday, it was fine here but a little chilly to sit out, but got lots done around the garden;0)

4 May, 2012


Everything is looking fine Pansy potter, even the sweetpeas, although they havent' grown at all! Goodness knows what will befall us over the weekend though!

4 May, 2012


Its given frost tonight and tomorrow night

4 May, 2012


Look forward to seeing them Pansy - wonder if they will be salmon pink coloured.

4 May, 2012


I can't wait to get all my little plants outside , where is that sunshine ??

8 May, 2012


I know what you mean Amy, I'm reluctant to put anything out here until the end of May and frosts are possible at the weekend and now we have strong winds again. Must get them out soon so I can get the tomatoes in but then again, what's the point with so little sunshine :-(

10 May, 2012

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