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Wisteria blossom.

Wisteria blossom. (Wisteria floribunda (Japanese Wisteria))

Our Wisteria is having a second flowering flush. These later blooms are not as big and impressive as the first lot, and there are only a few of them, but they are still welcome.

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I love wisteria but when I had one it never flowered eventhough I had it for many years - not even one small flower ever. In the end I got fed up and chopped it down.

24 Jun, 2008


Sorry your was not a flowerer Blodyn. I've read that sometimes they can be like that. This one is a very old vine, here when we moved. It's very big and flowers ferociously. If you saw my photos in early May I took quite a few of it then. The perfume is amazing too.

24 Jun, 2008


Ours was like that Blodyn for years , in the end we hacked each stem so short to the main stem , it must have given it a shock because the next year it was loaded with lovely flowers

24 Jun, 2008


I've seen pictures of wisteria blooming in Ottawa..which is north of where I am... would have to have just the right spot for a sunny south facing brick wall! lol.

1 Jul, 2008


Ours grows on a North east facing wall so doesn't get that much sun. We have cold winters too but not as long as yours. If they are sold locally then you could give it a shot.

2 Jul, 2008


Thnks Chris...I just might... if I can find one.

2 Jul, 2008


You're very lucky to see something that beautiful twice in one year !

2 Jul, 2008


I am a little upset about my wisteria, 4 weeks I have been caring for it and then I noticed new growth and I was extremely happy and then today I checked it and a slug or something had eaten the new growth :(
I am now thinking of buying a new one.

5 Jul, 2008


Don't give up hope Lilyb. If your wisteria is alive they are very good at producing masses of growth so it should produce more. I must say that nothing attacks ours except us with secateurs because we are always fighting to keep it under control.

6 Jul, 2008


Since my 15 year old non-blooming plant finally did bloom, I never say never. Hope it works the same for your wisteria.

17 Feb, 2010

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