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I don't remember what this is and not sure I paid attention to it before but it looks nice growing around the ugly honey locust in my front yard.

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Not certain,but think it's Lamium ? Lovely foliage ...:o)

17 May, 2012


or is it brunnera?????

17 May, 2012


I think Lamium too! Paul just posted a picture of one called White Nancy - this looks very similar

17 May, 2012


I almost thought Brunnera too but every variety I have seen has larger leaves. I did a google search and it is Lamium (thank you for the help!). I have another type of Lamium that looks nothing like the picture above, both are very attractive plants though. I wanted to take divisions off of it today but there was a colony of tiny ants with bad tempers :(

18 May, 2012


I have a different Lamium too..with bright yellow foliage ..just coming into flower....nice plants..:o)

18 May, 2012


bad tempered ants are not to be tampered with!!!

18 May, 2012


they get me every year, twice this year already! I never notice them until they're on my arms and in my gloves. Their bites feel like little needles too! I'm not afraid of snakes but I always try to stay far away from the ants.

19 May, 2012


I very scared of snakes, dont like them at all.
We dont seem to have so many ants here but once a year i see them flying.

19 May, 2012


I have lots of ants and snakes here but luckily I don't see either one of them flying much :). The locust trees are full of bees right now, when I step outside all I can hear is buzzing in the tree tops. I don't mind bees but it is a very unnerving sound!

20 May, 2012


Yes I can well imagine! But I don't want to imagine flying snakes!

20 May, 2012


There exists flying snake, Sticki.

8 Jan, 2013


oooooh no katarina ~ i cant even look.

8 Jan, 2013


I have seen the flying snake! Isn't it that one that jumps off high branches and sort of glides down?

8 Jan, 2013


now i will have nightmares!!!

i hate snakes

8 Jan, 2013


I do not hate snakes. I do not like spiders.

10 Jan, 2013


i dont mind spiders! my sister hates them though

10 Jan, 2013


Does it mean, you are you able to fall asleep while one is hanging over your head? :)

11 Jan, 2013


I can but I don't think my sister could, she sucks them up into the vacuum! But she doesn't have one with a clear cylinder because she doesn't want them to be looking at her!

11 Jan, 2013

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