By Leighleigh

19 May, 2012
Just a pic relating to a question about what to do about mould/mildew.
Comments on this photo
thanks p.p was think about this earlier, what kind of grit is best to use? just some cheap sand or something? :o)
23 May, 2012
You can use sharp sand mixed with compost, or Horticulural grit mixed with compost a layer of grit around the surface of the plants hepls too;0)
24 May, 2012
thanks pp. whatevers cheapest i would prefer lol, on a budget now im gunna be a student! :)
28 May, 2012
This can sometimes happen if you over water or you have not got enough drainage in you soil, a handful of grit mixed in with your potting compost will help and a layer arond your plants, helps to deter slugs too !
22 May, 2012