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Moose loose aboot ma gerdin!


By Pixi25

Moose loose aboot ma gerdin!

I was getting the birdfood ready standing at the window, looked up and at first thought it was a babay sparrow..then noticed the birds wereny going to the table at all. Looked closer and saw it..a moose! Cheek o' it! I tried to get a closer pic but it scurried away into the tree!

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Cheeky wee b****r!!! doesn't look all that wee....!

19 May, 2012


Well its quite a wee birdtable lol I sent SUki out moose-hunting lol she just looked at me wondering what the hell I was saying lol.

19 May, 2012


Haha! Catch her own food??? Never! There's a 5* buffet in the kitchen! lol!! :)))

19 May, 2012


Aye totally! lolol She's never happy! Wet food Dry food..Dreamies..but always wants more..she's totally spoilt of course!

19 May, 2012


aw thats so sweet, dear little mousey!! it wouldnt get that far with minty around ~ i wont describe more!!!

19 May, 2012


Well Suki is always down by the shed looking for them! Just hope she doesnt bring any in again!

19 May, 2012


Moose? i thought you meant like a real moose! you mean a mouse????? lol. I love mice, let it have a bit of food pixie, clever little thing that it is:-))

19 May, 2012


we call them that in scotland! moose loose aboot the hoose and all that lol

19 May, 2012


haha Pixi - nice pic

19 May, 2012



19 May, 2012


You have to laugh don't you - the cheek of it!!

19 May, 2012


I was looking for Antlers...Thick as :/

19 May, 2012


Suki a fussy b****r as well? I spend more on Miss marbles than I do on me and the dog combined...AND SHE WALKS AWAY FROM IT !!!! yet I have seen her with my own eyes..lift up a wheelie bin lid and run off with a rancid slice of someones spam! Tsk.

19 May, 2012


Aye cheeky wee blighter Sheilar!
lol Pimp..yes she is fussy..she would never eat a mouse..jsut play wiht it till she kills it then leaves it..She has been whinging on and on all morning..she has food wet and dry..and Dreamies..still she whinges! Wanted a bit of my pie I think ..but its all gone lol :))
lol@ Miss Marbles

19 May, 2012


I think Miss Marbles would fit right in here. I hate to think how much we spend on food for our crowd each month, and they turn their noses up at it, then go off and eat lizards, and other unmentionable nasties which disagree with their digestions. They think we do a Sunday roast just for them, too.
Jog on Kitties!

19 May, 2012


Ive just laughed until the tears rolled down my face. I went nearly crosseyed trying to see the moose! Im glad Im not the only one who was looking for antlers. Im with dawn, love mices. Let him have a nibble on the bird food, he wont take very much - Not like the pigeons! Suki will have to stick to Dreamies, lucky puss!

19 May, 2012


Ha..Miss Marbles was just called Marbles for a few brief weeks after I took her in one bonfire night and she never left. When I realised how fussy a flea ridden alley cat can get in a month I added the Miss bit.

I used to have a seal point siamese called Suki

19 May, 2012


here I am looking for a real moose, then I spotted the little thing, for a moment I thought I was going to have to put my glasses on

19 May, 2012


Lol.....what can I say? I knew it couldn't be a real moose! :))

19 May, 2012


lol Pixi, cheeky little un...

19 May, 2012


omg lol cant believe you could all think there was a huge MOOSE on the birdtable..dont any of you speak Scottish? lolol
DOnt you remeber my poem about the moose in ma hoose? ;)

19 May, 2012


Here it is..
Now you have to say it out loud in the best Scottish accent you can..jsut read as is written. :)

There’s a moose loose aboot ma hoose
A’ couldnae bluddy fund it..only a goose!
Noo the goose was big n’ fat n’ braw..
but jist at that it flew aff wi’ a craw!

THe burdies flew up..near burdie heaven
whaur they ate some lunch tho twas only seven
But from awa up there they saw ma moose,
A’ didnae even ken if it wiz still in ma hoose!

The craw it cried awa doon tae me..
the racket hurt ma heid!
“watch oot wifie fur thon wee moose
is oot in yer gerden eating yer seed!’’

Weel! a wiz fair bilin’! so up a got
took ma poker..wiz nice n’ hot
A’ thocht a’ll git that buggar yet!
Bit twas a’ in vain an’ ma feet wir wet.

A’ gied up! Fair wabbit wiz I
awa tae ma bed fur a bit o’ shut-eye
But a’ o’ a’ sudden a got sic a fleg!
A’ felt the wee besom rin up ma leg!

Noo a’ hae a secret weapon..
and the moose..he isnae smart!
So when he cralled a’ the way up..


a’ let oot a big smelly fart!

THe goose and the craw cried
Aw whit a shame!
A’ yelled ‘Bog off ye twats or a’ll gie ye the same!

19 May, 2012


pixi can you do this on youtube ~ pleeeeeeeease??

it will sound sooooooo much better if you do it.

19 May, 2012


Yer I agree with Sticki,we can't do it with a scottish accent,

19 May, 2012


Haha! i might Not today tho...☺

19 May, 2012


let me know when you do ~ please pixi!!!!

19 May, 2012


I will! lolol

19 May, 2012


me too

19 May, 2012



thank you pixi

19 May, 2012


Phwww! Lol

19 May, 2012


I shall make an announcement when the deed is done lol

19 May, 2012


Tired you oot Pimp? Ye mist be wabbit!

19 May, 2012


Weel...A dinnae ken, but a gether fae a' this hilarity that the weather's gae dreich a' place the day???

19 May, 2012


pardon? im still looking for that moose.........

19 May, 2012


Aye weel hen it wiz, but noo tho sun is oot and nay sign o' only rain fir noo. Guid eh? Ah've jist been cleanin' ma windies wi' vinegar and pipper ye ken it's guid! Bonny sheen oan them noo!

19 May, 2012


lol Meadow!

19 May, 2012


An' nae drink involved...jist yet...J!!

Cleenin' yer windaes, hen? A must get roon' tae that...efter....! :D

19 May, 2012


It'll be easy to understand once you're half-way down the bottle, J!! ;))))

19 May, 2012


What can I say, J?
...You have the Celtic genes!!! LOLx

19 May, 2012


Pixie, can I just add to Stickis request for you to do this on youtube please. I tried reading it aloud and it sounded geordi!!!

19 May, 2012


Aye yer a durty beggar K! Git thon windies done noo!
Nay booze here but a'm feelin' guid! hahaha
Cam oan need tae gie it a wee'll git the hang o' it a've nay doot!
Aye PL A'll dae that een o' these lang days o' rain ..mind ye..a wiz jist sittin' oan the back step hayin' a fag an' it wiz jist braw..nay wind nay rain..jist a wee bleckburd churrpin; awa tae itsel' Man a love the soond o' it!
Geordie! man! are ye wuntin' a skelp roond yer lugs?

19 May, 2012


The windaes'll!

A thought 'es name wiz Rick, hen....

...or wiz that a bit like, 'come away ma wee Geordie!!!'
(d'ye ken the film - black n white - mebe before yer time-Scottish hammer thrower in the Olympics....ancient)!! :/!

19 May, 2012


By George! I think I got it...

I can picture and hear that blacbird Pixi. :)) my fave singer....the Blackbird not you..well you could be rather good?? have to wait for one of those "lang days o' rain" Shouldn't be too 'Lang' the weather is dire here.

19 May, 2012


I remember that film Karen..Sent off for the body building mags after watching it.

19 May, 2012


whats the film called i might like it????

19 May, 2012


It was a crow, Pim!!! :))))))

...and there were three craws sittin' on the wa'.... :D

19 May, 2012


You remember that film, Pim??

Howz the body doing then???? ;))))))

19 May, 2012


Now way is that a Crow Karen..You've bee away too long. Lol..

It's a great Dad was s'posed to look like Bill Travers.
It was called 'Wee Geordie' Stickie

Hot Bod Karen..;))

19 May, 2012


I shall look for that, thank you pimms,

19 May, 2012


Come away ma wee Pimmie!!! ;))

19 May, 2012


Lolllllllllll...I was sat next to a radiator.

Same bloke as in Ring of Bright Water and Elsa the Lion Sticki.

19 May, 2012


i loved both those films ~ i remembered him in born free! thank you, found it on amazon now!

19 May, 2012


Na K! It wiz thon Poppy persin wha said aboot the geordie! Yer no richt in the heid lass! ower mony glesses o' thon Buckie aye?
A dinnae ken whit pictur yer talkin' aboot?
Fittin bleckburd are ye talkin' aboot Pims? AH nay sure whit ye mean man! Oh aye a can fair chant nay sae bad. am sic o' these lang days o' rain man! bit it wiznae bad sittin' oot oan ma step fur a wee smoke the nicht, then there wiz thon bleckburd singin' awa tae its wee herts content! :)
Rin awa wi' oor Pimp? watch oot yer maun'll no likit it!

19 May, 2012


Had visions o you runnin' aboot wi a 'see you jimmi' bunnit oan in yir gerdin Pixi!

19 May, 2012


We had a moose frighten our squirrel when it ran up the tree to the bird food. The squirrel ran away in terror.

19 May, 2012


Oh Ma Gawd hen dinnae say that! Fowk'll thin a'm een o' they lassies wha wears the keelt! And wi' reed hair an a'! A dinnae swally thon whisky eether! Cannae be dae'in wi' it! A dae waear a wee srippit cap tho times..stoopit the sun takkin' the colour oot ma roots ye ken!

lol Linda!

20 May, 2012


Ah, Bill Travers!! My childhood sweetheart! I used to have lots of fantasies about him. For a while I didn't like Virginia McKenna a lot, seeing as how she had him and I didn't. I have a recording of wee Geordie - lovely film. Shame I never got to meet your Dad, Pims.

20 May, 2012


on now! :))))))

20 May, 2012


It's awfy guid, eh?

But is there a single Scottish person in it though??

20 May, 2012


Just me lol

20 May, 2012


Oh you mean the film lol./.sorry duh!

20 May, 2012


I just realised what you meant! uh, duh! ;D

20 May, 2012


He was a Geordie wasn't he...and Alistair Simms is he not Scottish ? great actor though..

I just watched yours Pixi...a natural talent ! Really expressive.

20 May, 2012


hah thanks :)

20 May, 2012


Can't get my tongue round that one Pixi , coming from deepest Gloucestershire!!! Would lioke to hear it on Youtube! have you done it?

29 Jun, 2012

there you go..jsut copy and paste into search hope you understand it all! ;)

29 Jun, 2012


Just listened to it - super!! Love it!!

29 Jun, 2012


hehe thanks :) Did you understand it?

30 Jun, 2012


Can't say I did to be reeeelly honest, but that doesn't matter - it sounds marvellous & I loved it.
I certainly couldn't get my tongue round it in that accent!!!!;)

4 Jul, 2012


lol! :)
ok translation

there is a mouse loose about my house
I couldnt bloody find it..only a goose
Now the goose was big and fat and lovely
but just at that it flew off with a crow
THe birds flew up near birdie heaven
where they ate some lunch..tho twas only seven
But from away up there they saw my mouse
I didnt even know if it was still in my house!
THe crow it cried away down to me
the noise hurt my head
watch out wifie for that little mouse
is out in your garden eating your seed.
Well i was really angry
so up i got
I took my poker..was nice and hot
I thought i'll get that wee buggar yet
but twas all in vain and my feet were wet.
I gave up so tired was i
away to my bed for a bit of sleep
but all of a sudden i got such a fright
i felt the wee buggar run up my leg!
Now i have a secret weapon
and the mouse he isnt smart
so when he crawled all the way up
i let out a great smelly fart!
The goose and crow cried
oh what a shame
I said go away two idiots
or I'll give you the same!
Doenst sound the same wihtout the accent SHirl..doesnt even rhyme! lol
so there you go! :)

4 Jul, 2012


Hahahahaha!!! I have just laughed out loud at that translation.
Thanks so much for that Pixi, but you're right, it doesn't have such a good 'lilt' in English!! Good, all the same!

4 Jul, 2012



5 Jul, 2012

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