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View from the conservatory of the "rockery style" garden which we have inherited in our new house. Ideas for planting anyone? (quite shaded and wet soil)

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welcome to GoY

hostas and heurcheras?? primulas? welsh yellow poppies?

19 May, 2012


Darn it, Sticki, you just wrote all the things I was going to suggest!

19 May, 2012


probably because i have a shady garden!!!

but you probably know some more gattina!

19 May, 2012


sticki allways gets in 1st lol x

19 May, 2012


sorry cristina!!!

19 May, 2012


Hello Daises, welcome from me too...:)). I've a damp shady area of my garden, and grasses seem to love it there, especially Festuca glauca which forms a lovely blue/green mound and the Carex types. Also I treated myself to Uvularia grandiflora or Merrybells, which loves shade too. Another shade and damp lover is Corydalis especially the Lutea form which has very pretty yellow flowers which cover the plant from early spring to late autumn. The only thing with it is it seeds everywhere once you have it!

19 May, 2012


I probably do know some more, Sticki, my geriatric brain just isn't functioning too well right now - (probably needs tea and cake) Ooh! Ooh! How about hardy geraniums and fuchsias? Very good for shade - not so sure about the damp, though. Lobelia cardinalis is a very bright damp-lover, but do watch out for snails - it's like caviar to them. There are always LOADS of ferns that will do well in these conditions.

19 May, 2012


hi there :))) a few I can think of ferns, ajugas, astilbes, alchemilla mollis, fatsia, hostas, hydrangea, mahonia :)))))))))

31 May, 2012

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