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primula vialii

primula vialii (primula vialii)

probably my favourite primula....

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excellent - like tower / spikey things - you may know by now ;)) reminds me of Knipofia too - seen these primulas in GC but not as healthy as this

24 May, 2012


Lol Cheers mate, yes they do look like kniphofia this ones was a bit touch and go earlier but has recovered ok...

24 May, 2012



24 May, 2012 sign of flowers on mine yet.

24 May, 2012


You've answered my question without having to ask it.
I've got one of these and didn't know what it was! I thought mine was a very short red hot poker. Now I dont look silly or do I. Lol :-)

24 May, 2012


Thanks Scottish, they may be a little behind up there with the mad weather we've had :-)
Glad it help Bill they do look like the red hot poker :-)

25 May, 2012


i though that when i first saw it, i need to get used to so many different plants with the same names! lol :)

28 May, 2012


Lol yes it can get confusing :-))

28 May, 2012



28 May, 2012


I like that one it's different S/lad .....

29 May, 2012


Thanks Amy, that's why i liked it, it's not the normal type :-)

29 May, 2012

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