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Persian Shield love these colours...


By Lori

Persian Shield  love these colours... (Strobilanthes dyerianus)

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Beautiful Persian Shield :)

25 Jun, 2008


I love this one too .. last fall we brought ours into the house for the winter and kept it in a cool room. It did very well until one week before it was time to go outside, then all the leaves fell off and the ends of the stems turned black and rotten. I put it in a sunny spot outside and it's making a recovery, poor thing. The cuttings I took in the winter are doing much better.

25 Jun, 2008


Beautiful colours

25 Jun, 2008


Thanks for the good tips...will be sure to take some they root in water? or should I just growth hormone the cuts and set them in light soil?

25 Jun, 2008


Love this one!

25 Jun, 2008


I just stuck them in potting soil and kept it moist until they started growing leaves. I'd imagine it would work really well in water or rooting hormones.

25 Jun, 2008


I've seen this beautiful plant for sale here this year and, so far, have managed to resist buying. Don't know for how much longer, though!

28 Jun, 2008


Oh David...don't you know you only live once!! was relatively expensive as annuals go...but it is so gorgeous I just said "Give this cat another canary!" lol

28 Jun, 2008


Never come across this one, Lori - it's a lovely plant.

28 Jun, 2008


Thanks Spritz...I had never seen it looks like an enamelled brooch. one you might wear on an angora sweater!!lol.

28 Jun, 2008


Sorry Lori! (what a rhyme?!?) but, no! I homed in on this one several times in several places, but - I resisted! But - it is a good excuse to revisit those places which do sell it!

28 Jun, 2008


I love this plant too Lori, it's the only plant known to have this metallic coloring. I love growing it with plants that have silvery gray, bluegreen,or green and white variegation, or white, light blue or pink blooms. It's awesome, enjoy ! Side note, it does root in water.

2 Jul, 2008

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