End-of-Autumn Downunder - Kookaburras sitting in an old gum tree
By Bernieh
- 26 May, 2012
Comments on this photo
Thanks Stevie, we're so fortunate to see and hear them every single day.
26 May, 2012
Are they loud birds?
27 May, 2012
Yes! To answer in one word. Because they're always so close to the house. But I have to say we don't really mind. It's all part and parcel of living out here in the bush.
27 May, 2012
I really love birds! However, I don't like loud ones around the house. Like parrots! :>)
27 May, 2012
You certainly wouldn't like the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos that live around here then! They are very loud when they're heading home to roost for the night. The flock flies directly over our house every evening. Yep, I can actually hear them right now!
28 May, 2012
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos are beautiful birds! But yes, I wouldn't want them in my neighborhood. :>)
We have a flock of 50 or more parrots which fly over the house almost every day. They're noisy enough...and sometimes they roost in the neighborhood for a while.
28 May, 2012
Sounds like we have similar experiences then! Thankfully the flocks here don't do much damage to my garden or those of the neighbours. It's just the noise that can be annoying.
29 May, 2012
Yes, we have lots of feral parrots in San Diego. They really bother the people in the beach communities (where the yougins' love the hang out, drink and live).
30 May, 2012
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