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Jack is back!

Jack is back!

found the Jack-In-The-Pulpit among the daylilies, just like last spring!

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These fascinate me.

28 May, 2012


So exciting when you find a little treasure hiding like this!

28 May, 2012


Obviously feels at home there. They are oddly fascinating, these - never sure if I like them or not, but they are certainly interesting.

28 May, 2012


I can't wait to see mine like this Lori I wonder how long I will have to wait ! it might be next year before they are fully grown do you think ?

28 May, 2012


Still loving Jack lori, A whole year! Time flies :)

28 May, 2012


love these....mine are finally spreading!

28 May, 2012


will do some looking and report back,Amy. I'm so excited that you have some growing from seed that came from my backgarden!
Hello Youngdaisy! the older I get the faster the time goes!
They are doing that here too, Lauram. :-)

29 May, 2012


Me to Lori , it feels like an exciting achievement , I love it when I walk round the garden and see plants from distant friends :o)

29 May, 2012


by the same token, Amy...I have had very poor showing from my greenhouse this year...seedlings have died because I couldn't keep the temperature stable...until almost the middle of this month, we had frost or near freezing over nights and hot sunny days...they cooked and then they froze. the fan and vents helped a bit but it just wasn't enough because my little heater could only manage 50's at night. So here's something else to cogitate upon...will get this right if it kills me! lol.
I have only a few of the seeds you sent me which have germinated because of this. I have hollyhocks (the yellow ones I started early because I just couldn't wait) which I'm thrilled about and one little salvia...haven't started all your seeds so I'm getting a shadehouse/greenhouse set up to start the rest and will send you a progress report as things come along. Using the fleeces as chic!

29 May, 2012


It's a constant fight against mother nature Lori , we had a poor start to the season the hot week we had been experiencing this last week has now turned much cooler with rain expected tonight ! let me know if you need any seeds replacing .. ....

29 May, 2012


Lori I have put a photo on today to show you a pot of my babies :o))

30 May, 2012


I'm off to take a look! thanks Amy! xo I sometimes wonder what seeds are subjected to (scans etc.) when we mail them?

31 May, 2012


I'm going to collect the seeds this year. Were they difficult?

31 May, 2012


Not at all, Lauram. The spathe is surrounded by red berries...I left them until they had matured and into as cold weather as I thought practical...then just snipped the stem and brought the lot indoors to dry. When I sent them to Amy, I mentioned that the seeds might benefit from a few weeks in the refrigerator. If you're doing it in situ you can simply make note of where the plant is and make sure that the seeds go to ground. make sure they are covered with leaves and wait for spring. It's nature...she makes it look easy!

31 May, 2012


thanks for the advice! As I said they are beginning to spread.....found two young plants this year, but I'd like to help nature along just a bit!

31 May, 2012


Your comment made me think about where I had seen them besides the one growing in the daylily bed. they are very happy among the ferns and I will try to get a picture of the young plants... the leaves are very small the first season...Three leaflets, about the size of your palm..but as they mature (second season) the three leaflets are much larger...about 8-9 inches across. I found one small plant growing in almost full sun near the Blue Flag irises. wonder how it got there??? so I've marked it and will keep an eye on it. going to take a census of the fern patch!

3 Jun, 2012

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