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Caught in a tropical Storm


By Crissue

Caught in a tropical Storm

Wasn't very nice at all...

Comments on this photo


Looks amazing though.

1 Jun, 2012


Yes it does..wouldnt have liked to be in tho :)))

1 Jun, 2012


looks errie !!!

1 Jun, 2012


It was a bit scarey...and the Ice stones that were falling were huge...nobody could drive, well except the idiots, we all had to pull in safe...till it subsided...I was scared that my garden would be flat when we got back, but the hills saved us, just one down, and a few sad and soggy looking roses...but it's forecast again...near the weekend...oh noooo, once was enough...

1 Jun, 2012


that looks very frightening Crissue, glad no damage was really done

1 Jun, 2012


Goodness that looks acary

1 Jun, 2012


Blimey looks like a spookey film in black & white.

1 Jun, 2012


That must have been frightening for you. The picture looks really eerie!

1 Jun, 2012


Hi everyone, well we felt safer in the Car, I pity anyone that got caught out in it...

2 Jun, 2012


doesnt look good at all, glad you were safe:-)

4 Jun, 2012


Thanks dawn....once was

5 Jun, 2012


I hope the cats were inside, i bet they were, our one appears about half a day before any bad weather and just curls up tight in his bed until it has all passed!!!

8 Jun, 2012


Hi Pam, Yes they were, but we didn't get it as badly, as the Hills protected us...
We were out shopping at the time...

9 Jun, 2012

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