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Pierre de Ronsard


By Gattina

Pierre de Ronsard (Rosa)

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Beautiful rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Jun, 2012


Thank you Pixi, Isn't he lovely?

5 Jun, 2012


Fantastic!! Bet it has a lovely scent too?

5 Jun, 2012


It certainly has, but quite a light one.

5 Jun, 2012 many flowers have no scent these days. I walk around the graden centre nosing out nice scents lol.

5 Jun, 2012


I've got this one too,'s blooming its socks off right now!

6 Jun, 2012


Just lovely - the colour is set off beautifully by the grey wall!

6 Jun, 2012


Thank you, M! Yes, Karen, I saw your picture - yours looks darker than mine. I think this is such a lovely colour mix - cream/green/pink. They seem to enjoy hot and dry.

6 Jun, 2012


Yes, mines much more intensely pink...Do you think it's the soil that does it? They're really easy to look after too - just stick them in the ground and water them til they're comfy - and away they go!

6 Jun, 2012


Actually, I'm just looking at yours again Gattina...I think mine looked more like that, when I first got it! I wouldn't have picked a pink rose at that time!

6 Jun, 2012


Goodness, I rather hope mine won't get any darker - I like her just the way she is. I have lots of other, darker pink ones!

6 Jun, 2012


Mine's only two years must be the soil!

Oh, well...I didn't notice before now, so I suppose I have to forgive her...

6 Jun, 2012


I'm sure you have a very forgiving soul!

6 Jun, 2012



6 Jun, 2012



6 Jun, 2012


What's the matter? Got a frog in your throat, J? ;))))

6 Jun, 2012


I'm very patient and forgiving...well for anything up to a month...;)

6 Jun, 2012


Love it .

2 Aug, 2012


It took me two years to run this particular rose to ground, having seen it once in someone's garden. I looked and asked EVERYwhere without luck, and then one day found two of them on a little tiny market stall by chance. They grow so well here on a hot south-facing wall, are virtually pest and blight-free, and have beautiful dark, glossy foliage. One of them I planted right next to an ailing "Schoolgirl" rose that every year has a dreadful case of blackspot and loses it's leaves very easily, and the two seem to have struck up a partnership, with the branches growing together, and both roses thriving amazingly. Must be love!

2 Aug, 2012

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This photo is of "Pierre de Ronsard Rose" in Gattina's garden

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