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New plants in old pot.

New plants in old pot.   (Helianthemum)

Three little pots from the alpine table...a purple lampranthus, a bronze leaved armeria and a helianthemum 'Ben Mohr' with the orange flowers.

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Gorgeous and my fav kind of planter...everything seem to blend with Terracotta....:>)

7 Jun, 2012


My kind of planter/plants too

11 Jun, 2012


Just need some sunshine now, to bring on the purple flowers!

11 Jun, 2012


Sunshine????!!!!! Will have to Google that one ;O))

11 Jun, 2012


Yes. We have one of the darkest grey skies in the history of Scotland over us right's just hanging if to say "we're aaaaaw.....dooooomed".

11 Jun, 2012


Lol I used to love that program!

11 Jun, 2012


yes, me too. Still watch it sometimes!

11 Jun, 2012


I used to love watching it with my dad who always Lols x

11 Jun, 2012


Ah, happy days! :D

11 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of species Helianthemum.

See who else has plants in genus Helianthemum.

This photo is of "Rock Rose 'Ben Mohr'" in Karensusan63's garden

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