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Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nugget'

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nugget'

Golden lime foliage in spring and coloured foliage in autumn and lovely bark for winter interest. Spring/early summer flowering with autumn berries. What more could you ask for in a plant. It is also attactive to butterflies

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I have the dark-leaved one - grows like mad!

12 Jun, 2012


I hope so. It is doing very well for a new rooted cutting. I am anxiously waiting to see the flowers when they open. The dark leaved plants are great for highlighting other plants I find. I have been digging and planting in the front garden south border where I dug out a kerria which was through everything. It will never grow free in my garden again. At 10' high and at least 30' spreading roots I can live with it in a pot from now on. The neighbouring shrubs suffered because of it as they had to grow lanky to reach the light.

12 Jun, 2012


Me too Ojibway.....and i have 'darts gold'....This is a nice one Scotsg...:>)_

12 Jun, 2012


Thank you both. Scottish grew it from a cutting. She brought it down when she came on a flying visit last week. I now know where it is going but I need to get the area weed and grass free. Have had to sacrifice (not) another bit of lawn.

12 Jun, 2012


I too have a dark purplish one ( don't remember its name) but it is lovely and grows well and has beautiful peeling bark ,that is a lovely fresh green look forward to seeing autunm photos :)))

12 Jun, 2012


It should look more golden lime green but I put it under a bush to save it from the awful weather we have been having.

12 Jun, 2012


That's coming along nicely Sheila. I think the more sun it gets the lighter is becomes Sheila - my one is in full sun so is much more golden in colour. If you ever want a dark coloured on let me know - I have an other little cutting like this growing away in a wee pot.

12 Jun, 2012


Yes please Angie. You certainly know how to get them to take. I was in our local GC today and they had a Darts Gold in the rescue corner so I popped it in the trolley. It looks a bit neglected but it has strong shoots growing from the bottom of the main stem. I will plant this one in full sun but I was worried it might fly away in the wind so have had it in shelter until it gets planted.

12 Jun, 2012


No probs Sheila. It now has your name on it :)
Didn't do anything other than snip of bits and put in compost. They must take very easy if I can get them to grow roots :)
Hope your rescue comes good :)

12 Jun, 2012



13 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nugget' " in Scotsgran's garden

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