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Difficult Slope - Just Left It To Do Its Own Thing

Difficult Slope - Just Left It To Do Its Own Thing

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It's doing it well :o)

19 Jun, 2012


Hello Hywel, hope you're Ok.
Hard work keeping this weeded o I don't bother now.

19 Jun, 2012


Hi Dawn this is lovely and sometimes its better to leave it to do its own things ;o))

19 Jun, 2012


Hi Dawn :o) Yes I'm fine thank you. I trust you are also ...
There was part of my previous garden just like this. It was on a rather steep slope, so I used to leave it alone. It did just fine without me lol :D

19 Jun, 2012


Love it Dawn......

19 Jun, 2012


Lovely bit of planting and it obviously loves doing its own thing, just wish my slopes did as well!

20 Jun, 2012


Looks lovely Dawn, know what you mean we have a few slopes here too :-)

20 Jun, 2012


Slopes Simbad , in Lincolnshire?? i will have a look through your pics.
I thought it was all like little holland over there ;))

21 Jun, 2012


Yes Lincolnshire is a bit flat Resi :-), but we built our house on the top of a hill and had to terrace the garden, so we have a few slopey bits :-)))

21 Jun, 2012


lovely as always

22 Jun, 2012


Doing it's own thing suits it Dawn , it's very pretty and natural looking :o))

22 Jun, 2012


Lovely, so natural...obviously the right thing to do....

22 Jun, 2012


Yes, it's doing really well all by itself, but of course it was beautifully planted up by you to begin with! :D

23 Jun, 2012


Thanks everyone for your assurances that it looks OK. :-)

23 Jun, 2012


...and it did well.

27 Jun, 2012


Love this picture!

27 Jun, 2012

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