Barbecue night.
By Gattina
- 24 Jun, 2012
We had friends round for a barbie last night, so we made the long, long trip into the central fish market to make sure everything was as fresh as possible. I took this photo in the lull before everyone arrived. Minutes later, the clouds rolled over, the thunder crashed, and we ended up eating off the kitchen table. Still tasted good, though!
Comments on this photo
It all looks totally yummy!
24 Jun, 2012
It was, Waddy, but things never taste the same cooked under the grill instead of on the barbecue. :o(
24 Jun, 2012
Looks absolutely scrummy . . . prawns, salmon and scallops? My faves: sorry about the rain tho' :((
24 Jun, 2012
No, Not scallops, Sheila - I'm very allergic to them. It's a fish called Pangasio. Very meaty, very tasty. No, seriously, we needed the rain - there just wasn't enough of it. Sorry!
24 Jun, 2012
That's the spirit.. :) Love the look of that platter, never heard of Pangasio.......I wonder if we call it something different?
24 Jun, 2012
Catfish! (not nearly so exotic sounding)
24 Jun, 2012
No not quite is it.
24 Jun, 2012
Looks nice!
24 Jun, 2012
Enjoy :o)
24 Jun, 2012
Oh yum!
24 Jun, 2012
Looks colourful, fresh and tasty like everything with Italian brand! :)))
24 Jun, 2012
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)))))
24 Jun, 2012
I bet it tasted great!
24 Jun, 2012
Yeah thanks for that Gattina, but you should'nt of gone to all that trouble, I only popped over for a coffee, Lol.
24 Jun, 2012
Do a cultlery count before Willi leaves Gatt. ;))
24 Jun, 2012
We've just had thunder lightning and hailstones in Northumberland! When I visit the Italian Lakes it always seems to put on spectacular thunder and lightning shows at night. I love it!
24 Jun, 2012
Thanks Pimp!!!
I just put 5 cats in my bag, Lol.
24 Jun, 2012
Oh & a Porcupine Gattina gave me to give to you! Lol
24 Jun, 2012
Pms...Lol haha.
24 Jun, 2012
LOL Willi!!!! :)))
25 Jun, 2012
I wondered where all the blinking wildlife had got to!
One of the cats managed to get shut into the fridge tonight with a piece of grilled chicken. Why didn't you take that one, Willi? You're welcome to the cutlery, by the way - it's only Ikea!
Julie, I bet you tend to visit the Italian lakes in August - it ALWAYS thunders and lightnings then! We drive up there quite often (it's about 2 and a half hours away) but out of season. September's alway a lovely time, and not too many tourists!
25 Jun, 2012
I've been twice - once in September and once in May (having no kids I have the luxury of travelling outside the peak season :-D)
25 Jun, 2012
Isn't that the best time Julie! We always try to make it for a few nights round about the first or second week in September: we don't always get decent weather, but it tends to be pretty good. If you are planning any more trips, let me know, and we'll have a lake-side rendezvous!
26 Jun, 2012
Nothing wrong with abit of Ikea Gattina.
Sorry about the cat in the fridge, I must of shut it in while I was snatching a few, Lol.
26 Jun, 2012
I shall send you the vet's bill for frost bite treatment, Willi, and mine for the all the food he got through! (the cat, not the vet, that is!)
27 Jun, 2012
Ha Ha, With the weather you've been having I bet he was glad of the cooling down, Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
He has (the cat, not the vet) found a little place of his own next to the table leg on the landing, where he catches the breeze that wafts between the balcony window and the bedroom and bathroom windows. I was standing nearby yesterday, and realised there would always be this flow of lovely cool air, so he's not as daft as we thought. It was just the food in the fridge, I guess. He can hear the fridge door open across three fields, two big hedges, the courtyard and two flights of steps!
27 Jun, 2012
Ha Ha, Thats why I left that one there Gattina, He was so happy. The 5 I brought home, now have knitted jackets & wellies, for the british climate, Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
Yeah, I know - I got a desperate text message from them last night pleading with me to mount a rescue bid!
27 Jun, 2012
If cats had thumbs eh, I love that advert, Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
One of my all-time favourites....... I really must get a life! Wouldn't make me drink Cravendale, though!
27 Jun, 2012
Just seen this. DROOOOOOL ! Jx
1 Aug, 2012
I must blow my own trumpet and say it was pretty darned fine, Jane, but the memory is fadinggggg..........
1 Aug, 2012
Well time for another thennnnnn.............! Jx
1 Aug, 2012
Che buona idea!
2 Aug, 2012
I thought so. Full of them me! Jx
2 Aug, 2012
2 Aug, 2012
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Looks good too. So colourful.
24 Jun, 2012