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for Lori


By Resi

for Lori

my first bit of haymeadow....

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That's pretty :o)

29 Jun, 2012


Yes, very nice - if you do not have to plow it all over :)))

29 Jun, 2012


Wonderful . . . do you get Partridge or Quail around there Resi?

29 Jun, 2012


yes both red legged partridges and quails are visitor to the garden , the quails doing their funny "wet-me-lips" call.

30 Jun, 2012


If you ever consider doing B&B, pencil me in for the last week in May and the first week in June! ;-))

30 Jun, 2012


got the fork and chissel ready for you...

30 Jun, 2012


Love it!!! lol...we have Whip-poor-Wills, and there is a grouse farm about 20 kms from us...we see lots of foxes along the stretch of highway near the farm! love the little head plumes on the quail. I have a partridge lives in our bush and we hear him drumming a lot...must be very few lady partridges here abouts. B&B...? great idea Resi. Fork and chisel...and splitting rocks too, don't forget. Mw would have to earn his vin et lit at the end of the day!

9 Jul, 2012


just posting a pic of the tools i'll have ready for him!
and after he's got the hang of them at the end of the day, we might have the odd one or two! of the local vino... lol, if he can still lift his arm that is.. ;~))
are you listening mw?
wweet me lips or whip-poor-wills, whats in a name eh

9 Jul, 2012


sorry Lori, my resident bird expert tells me that that Whip-poor-Wills are american nightjars, so we must have been on the wrong wavelength here, i thought the 'wet me lips' and the Whip-poor-Will descriptions were the same bird, as in onomatopoeic, what a

10 Jul, 2012


lovely word..."onomatopoeic"...rolls trippingly off the your resident birder is right...have loved the call of the whippoorwill since I was a child and my father would whistle their call to draw them into our front yard. There is a small lake just up the hill from us(which feeds my little stream) and at dusk we hear the loons...(no hubby and I are not up there calling) They have a cackly, loopy sounding cry...send chills down your spine.
going to check out the tools...have found same here too...will have to post my pic for comparison. Local vino must be pretty good, aye?

10 Jul, 2012


loon Lori, loon??
right wikepedia to the rescue, - resident birder making use of a TdF-less day to go cycling himself in the Pyrenees today, so cannt ask - you mean divers, got you.
we have divers on the lake just down the hill from us, beautiful birds.
Local vino is St. Mont, very nice wine, i did grape picking a few years ago in one of the st.mont vinyards, hard work! i get mine from the 'cave' where the wine is stored in the immense containers, which is where most people here get their vino, you just take your container and have it filled up.
it is gettting more and more difficult to find wine of less than 12%, i still manage 11% but that is not sold in bottles anymore. fine by

10 Jul, 2012


Yeah . . . i'm listening! You're a bit of a taskmaster aren't you Resi? Never mind my arms . . I'll bring a straw . . lol! As for Loons/Divers, I don't think there is a more 'hair on the back of the neck' raising bird call - have a listen :-


10 Jul, 2012


but cld you still lift the glass to sip through that straw?? you'll have to start exercising those triceps Muddy ;~))
apology, we don't have divers on the lake, they are great crested grebes, and i cldnt understand why i had never heard those calls!
yes fantastic sounds, something you don't forget in a hurry.
i love curlew and black kite calls, so evocative.

10 Jul, 2012


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
if this doesn't hinterland who's who...and select the loon.

13 Jul, 2012


i have seen them in scotland but here they are rare

14 Jul, 2012


We have a one dollar coin which has a loon on the obverse. they're called "loonies"....and a two dollar coin we call "toonies"... Funny money,if you ask me.

17 Jul, 2012


I like this one . . .

17 Jul, 2012


lovely clips

18 Jul, 2012

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