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For Steragram . . you are allowed to laugh

For Steragram . . you are allowed to laugh

Bonsai Magnolia 'stellata', 3 years old, hoping it will flower one day

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Why laugh? Think it's great.

29 Jun, 2012


Thanks Lil. It's a bit of a joke because Stera asked for a photo when I mentioned I had this . . . she thought it would be "beautiful" so must have been imagining that it would be in flower!

29 Jun, 2012


Just wait for my little Wisteria...

I need to find someone to make the pots....

29 Jun, 2012


Great pic Sheila.

29 Jun, 2012


I think you're clever!

29 Jun, 2012


Thanks Pimm's. If only you could pop over, I have half a dozen spare pots :)

Thanks Mel . . . not clever at all. All you do is dig up a seedling, trim its roots, and put it into a small pot. Nature does the rest!

29 Jun, 2012


I really should try it, shouldn't I?

29 Jun, 2012


You should Mel.. Go save little trees :)

29 Jun, 2012


Now that sounds well worthwhile!

29 Jun, 2012


. . . and it's fun :))

29 Jun, 2012


Well done Sheila on getting it this far

29 Jun, 2012


Thanks Scottish . . . give it a go, why not? All I do is give it a drink now and then!

29 Jun, 2012


Thank you Sheila -Well yes, I was expecting something a bit more mature! I was going to say "Great oaks from little acorns grow", but perhaps that not quite appropriate - how about "great beauty from small beginnings"? Its obviously got the right idea. You must have lots of patience to produce bonsai - I'm sure I would forget something at a crucial time and lose them.

29 Jun, 2012


Hi Stera! Funny that you should mention patience . . . I'm always trying to quell my IMpatience (e.g. hate queues and take deep breaths!). But most things in the garden I just leave alone: particularly my little trees. I don't do any fancy wiring or training . . . just prune their roots in the Spring, balance their shape by judicious pruning of branches every now and then, and keep them watered. Still hoping to see flowers on one of them one day!

30 Jun, 2012


Its that "just" that gets me - you've obviously got green (little) fingers!

30 Jun, 2012



30 Jun, 2012


Tried digging up an oak seedling this afternoon (no oaks within sighting distance, so I blame the squirrels) and managed to break off all the roots - mind you, the stem was almost severed anyway, not sure why. But I shall be on the lookout for any tree seedlings!

30 Jun, 2012


Good for you Mel! Squirrels can occasionally be helpful . . . a friend produced a Walnut seedling for me yesterday - she gets quite a few apparently as there's a Walnut tree (very big) nearby.

1 Jul, 2012



1 Jul, 2012


You're very good at this Sheila....well done...

8 Jul, 2012

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